About This File
This is the actual µGFX library - the real deal!
The µGFX library is completely free, without any restrictions, for home, hobby & educational use. Please note that you have to purchase license in order to use µGFX in a commercial project or product. Note that these licenses are very affordable and can be purchased directly through our web store. You can find more information about commercial licenses and the available pricing options here: http://ugfx.org/pricing
You can also access the official Git repository if you like to use Git or make contributions via pull requests: https://git.ugfx.io/ugfx/ugfx
What's New in Version 2.3 See changelog
- Added more events to the slider widget
- Clean up visibility issues
- Correct moving of containers
- Fix GTIMER bug that could cause all timers to stop.
- Various minor driver fixes
- Add support for STM32 CCM memory with DMA in SSD1289 and SSD2119
- New Tabset GWIN widget
- New keyboard driver interface with drivers for Win32 and X
- Support for keyboard layouts for non-english keyboards
- GDISP now supports pixmaps (in memory drawing)
- Rename files to improve experience in certain brain-dead IDE's
- Add a checkbox "Toggle Button" custom draw
- Add Tetris as an application demo
- Add HY-MiniSTM32V board support
- Add GWIN feature to flash any window/widget
- Lots of GDISP monochrome drivers fixed
- Added TLS8204 GDISP driver
- Fixes for the board files for Olimex SAM7EX256
- Add a number of UEXT connector board files for Olimex SAM7EX256
- Fix for error rounding in gdispFillConvexPoly()
- Vastly improved gwin arrow button drawing
- GINPUT toggle fixes
- GFILE_ALLOW_FLOAT compile error fixed
- GFILE_NEED_STDIO compile and emulation errors fixed
- Added STMPE610 driver by lliypuk
- Corrected self calibration code for driver STMPE811
- Added Mikromedia Plus STM32-M4 board based on work by lliypuk & inmarket
- Work to improve the gdisp SSD1963 driver
- Added SSD1351 gdisp driver
- Added SSD1331 gdisp driver
- Added arduino as a GOS supported operating system
- Added additional pixel format's
- Color components fixed for some strange compilers
- Added GWIN virtual keyboard widget
- Added gwinListSetSelected()
- Added gwinListViewItem()
- GDISP driver color conversion when GDISP_PIXEL_FORMAT != GDISP_LLD_PIXEL_FORMAT
With version 2.3:
- Download