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Joel Bodenmann

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Everything posted by Joel Bodenmann

  1. I'm having serious trouble reproducing this - could someone else give it a try?
  2. Hello and welcome to the µGFX community! I'd have to check the code to be sure but if I remember correctly the vfnprintg() implementation doesn't support leading zeros at the moment. If that's the case we'd be more than happy if you decide to add support for that.
  3. Did you try to debug to figure out where the segmentation fault origins from? It will most likely be due to an issue in the GOS abstraction as everything else is high-level code that builds on top of that.
  4. I'll have to look at this when I got a bit more time to understand this properly. However, unless you're in a serious memory shortage I'd recommend you not to destroy & re-create the widgets. Instead, just use gwinShow() and gwinHide() (alternatively gwinSetVisible()) to make the appropriate widget become visible.
  5. Thank you for sharing this - much appreciated!
  6. We've tracked the problem down to a source-IP based load-balancing issue. It should be fixed now.
  7. If you just want to change the colors you can use widget styles: https://wiki.ugfx.io/index.php/Widgets#Widget_Style Alternative you can write a custom rendering function for the widget: https://wiki.ugfx.io/index.php/Creating_a_custom_rendering_routine Or even write your own widget that does exactly what you want: https://wiki.ugfx.io/index.php/Creating_a_widget
  8. The error is indicating that the compiler cannot find the GDISP driver's configuration file which is located in the driver's directory. I'm not an Eclipse expert but most likely you forgot to include the GDISP driver directory in your compiler/linker include path: https://wiki.ugfx.io/index.php/Using_Eclipse#Adding_driver_resources Maybe @cpu20 can help.
  9. To get the system itself working it's strongly recommended to disable all modules (including the GDISP module). You have the RAW32 subsystem enabled. You might want to have a look at the corresponding documentation: https://wiki.ugfx.io/index.php/BareMetal
  10. The first error is because you enabled the GDISP module but you haven't added any GDISP driver. To get started simply disable the GDISP module (and any other module!) in the µGFX configuration file (gfxconf.h). The other errors are most likely indicating that you haven't enabled a GOS port. You need to specify the underlying system you're using in the configuration file.
  11. Your content has nothing to do with this forum topic. Please don't spam existing topics.
  12. There's currently no built-in driver for the GT911 touch controller. You'll have to write a GINPUT driver for it. Have a look at the interface documentation and the various existing driver implementations.
  13. Alternatively, you can use the forum search and find this:
  14. I'd like to add some info: This is not a hardware problem but how your uGFX board file(s) are configured. That's the reason why you're getting better performance with a different solution. The LTDC stuff allow for a lot of different configurations - You have to go through everything and figure out what the right ones for your hardware are. Especially check on DMA2D. Also don't forget to set your CPU and compiler in the uGFX configuration file.
  15. There's currently no high-level API for that. I think you'll just have to extend the existing list widget to provide that functionality.
  16. There are plenty of board files available in the /boards directory. You'll also find plenty of examples by google. Furthermore, every driver has a board file template in the driver's directory.
  17. Hi, You can look up all the possible hardware acceleration of the GDISP module in the driver interface documentation. Other places that support hardware acceleration are for example the GAUDIO module that can leverage an external codec. Yes, the Linux framebuffer is supported: https://wiki.ugfx.io/index.php/Linux#Framebuffer
  18. Hi, Making ready-to-run projects is very difficult as it depends completely on the underlying hardware. If you're using some sort of development board/kit you should get a project for that and then just add µGFX as described in the detailed step-by-step guide for Keil in the documentation. µGFX is completely platform/hardware agnostic which means that it will run on almost anything. The normal workflow is that you get your stuff running without µGFX (eg. taking a sample project that comes with the development board/kit that you use) and then you'll add µGFX to it.
  19. Have a look at GDISP_NEED_STARTUP_LOGO in the configuration file. By the way: It seems that your display (pages) are swapped. Left and right are swapped.
  20. The display controller is physically connected to your microcontroller/system via some kind of bus. For example parallel or SPI. The acquire_bus() and release_bus() functions are called by the driver itself (which is independent from what interface/bus is being used) before and after making a bus transaction. These functions allow you to acquire the bus before talking on it and releasing it once you're done. In case of a simple SPI interface this is where you want to set your CS pin level accordingly. More complex systems might need to call OS functions to acquire/request bus access and stuff like that. The GDisplay structure represents the actual display. You can have a look at the documentation to figure out what information is contained. Usually you're interested in this when dealing with multiple displays or requiring the private board file area.
  21. Yep, that's correct: Pixmaps are meant to be used for this. Single-file inclusion is just a method designed to be as comfortable as possible. You can always include the µGFX library sources the classical way. It's just a bit more work. But now that you already know µGFX a bit it should be fairly simple
  22. And a GINPUT toggle for the pushbutton to select stuff
  23. Glad to hear that you got it working! I'm not sure about what v3 repo you're talking about tho. You should be using the master branch of the official uGFX git repository: https://git.ugfx.io/uGFX/uGFX That branch will become v2.9 which contains the new type systems and other things to prepare for the v3.0 major update.
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