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Joel Bodenmann

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Everything posted by Joel Bodenmann

  1. Glad to hear that it works. Do you actually write a dedicated widget for the keypad? It would be nice if you'd contribute it so we can include it into the official repository. ~ Tectu
  2. The documentation is not quite accurate at this. You can either use the long or the short name in the open routine. Therefore you can either rename it by hand as you said or just use the other name. I will update the documentation on that ASAP. Fixing the actual problem will be done in the future - there are just more important things at the moment. ~ Tectu
  3. It should work again. I'm not sure why but for some reason the folder permissions get changed every time... I'll try to investigate. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. ~ Tectu
  4. Please but me know whether it worked or not. ~ Tectu
  5. You should be able to retrieve the button information from the gevent structure that you get passed in your callback: void _callback(void* param, GEvent *pe) { ... ((GEventGWinButton *)pe)->button ... } It's exactly the same as you do when handling the returned GEvent from geventEventWait() within the main(). Note that I did not try this code and it comes completely out of my mind. I'm on the bus. I hope that helps a bit. ~ Tectu
  6. The online font converter is working again. Enjoy your fonts. ~ Tectu
  7. Hello Anna, Please sent the font file to the e-mail listed in the imprint of the webpage and include the details you left here as well. We are sorry for the issue with the online font converted but I'm currently too busy to handle this. I'll try to fix it over the weekend! ~ Tectu
  8. Looks absolutely correct to me. Note that you have to add a macro check for INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend at the top of the freertos.c file just as we already check for the mutexes and semaphores. ~ Tectu
  9. Converted fonts have been sent to you. ~ Tectu
  10. The delay functions provided by FreeRTOS do indeed not provide such a thing, but this is also not vital. If TIME_INFINITE is passed to the gfxSleepXxx() function, this means that the thread should never continue at all. You'd either let the task sleep forever using the FreeRTOS API or you'd simply call delays of 100ms or something in an infinite loop. You can take a look at the ChibiOS/RT port for the former solution. If xTaskCreate() does return something other than pdPass, this means that the thread could not be created. Therefore µGFX can simply not run at all. The for(; is a simple infinite loop so the program will not continue to execute. Debugging of the application is easier this way because inifinite loops can be spotted easily. ~ Tectu
  11. Joel Bodenmann


    It's nice to see that you got uGFX working that quickly. Feel free to ask questions when you stumble upon any issues. ~ Tectu
  12. I understand the problem that you are describing. I'll try to come up with a solution asap. ~ Tectu
  13. Joel Bodenmann


    Glad to hear that everything is working as it should We'd be happy to add some more projects to our demos page. ~ Tectu
  14. The following functions in src/gos/freertos.c need to be modified/implemented to fit your setup (we didn't had time to provide a generic solutions so far): gfxSleepMilliseconds() gfxSleepMicroseconds() MS2ST() Make sure you get the latest repository state before you start working on anything. ~ Tectu
  15. I just tried it myself and the font converter does indeed not work as intended. There was a PHP upgrade on our server and this seems to cause some problem. I'll try to fix it ASAP. If you want, you can mail me the font and I'll convert it manually for you until the font converter is up and running again. Please note the required parameters somewhere in that mail. Sorry for the issue. ~ Tectu
  16. Hello Florian, There's a branch called freertos in the git repository. In there you will find src/gos/freertos.c and include/gos/freertos.h. These files are included in src/gos/gos.mk and in include/gos/gos.h. This way you can either pick them into your current repository or simply use the branch as it is. The only thing that you should have to modify are the delay functions inside the freertos.c file. Everything else should work as it is there. Just one question: Did you ever run FreeRTOS successfully on your hardware before? Otherwise I would suggest you to start with that. Note that FreeRTOS does not come with any HAL like ChibiOS/RT comes. Therefore you'll have to include your own! Please keep us up to do date ~ Tectu
  17. We are currently searching for some volunteers to test our FreeRTOS port... anyone? ~ Tectu
  18. Issue fixed: https://bitbucket.org/Tectu/ugfx/commit ... ?at=master Thanks for reporting. ~ Tectu
  19. Thank you very much for the detailed bug report. I'll take a look as soon as possible. ~ Tectu
  20. Any updates on this? Cannot wait for it as well ~ Tectu
  21. Hello Jörg, I am successfully running uGFX on FreeRTOS. This means that the port already exists and runs. It would only require some cleanup to include it into the repository. If you're intetesed, I can send it to you. It would be nice if you could clean it up and contribute it back. It should not take any longer than 30 minutes to complete the job. Please send an e-mail to the adress listed on the website. ~ Tectu
  22. I am not sure if you can really use the SPI interface on that board. I'd recommend to use the driver in the ChibiOS/RT repository until you get it working - from there it should only be a matter of changing a few intialization parameters to use the uGFX one. ~ Tectu
  23. What exactly did you do? I recommend you to use the provided driver until you get it working. After you got uGFX working, you can use the ILI9341 driver from the uGFX repository. This keeps out problems ~ Tectu
  24. I tried the demo from the ChibiOS/RT community repo myself two weeks ago and it worked just fine. From there it should be easy to create a board file. Keep us up to date ~ Tectu
  25. Sounds good. Note that you have to use the ChibiOS/RT community repository in order to have the LTDC HAL. It's still the better option to use the git repository as many changes happen to the project. You are always on the latest 'version' that way. It also simplifies the contribution process especially if you change files, rather than adding new ones. If you need any help, let us know. Otherwise adding the works as a .zip here or send it per e-mail will always do the trick. Thank you very much in advance for your work. Please let me know about any progress, I can't await it! :shock: ~ Tectu
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