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NUCLEO-F746ZG + 7" SSD1963 16-bit FMC

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H! I've been trying to make this work without success so if anyone could help me I would be very glad.

I'm trying to get this display working with my STM32F746ZG based nucleo144 board.

Display is 800x480px 7" drived by SSD1963 in 16-bit 8080 parallel mode. I have Register Select at  A16/PD11.

I don't know if the selected mode is wrong and how to change it or fi I have the FMC peripheral initialized properly. Anyone could please explain these lines to me? I can see from where 0x60000000 come from, but what about 0x60020000?

#define GDISP_REG              (*((volatile uint16_t *) 0x60000000)) /* RS = 0 */
#define GDISP_RAM              (*((volatile uint16_t *) 0x60020000)) /* RS = 1 */


Attached is an image showing what happens. Basically, there is no image on display, only vertical lines in a white backgroud.



My board file:

 * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
 * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
 *              http://chibios-gfx.com/license.html

 * @file    boards/addons/gdisp/board_SSD1963_fsmc.h
 * @brief   GDISP Graphic Driver subsystem board interface for the SSD1963 display.
 * @note    This file contains a mix of hardware specific and operating system specific
 *          code. You will need to change it for your CPU and/or operating system.


static const LCD_Parameters DisplayTimings[] = {
    // You need one of these array elements per display
        800, 480,                               // Panel width and height
        2, 2, 41,                               // Horizontal Timings (back porch, front porch, pulse)
        CALC_PERIOD(800,2,2,41),                // Total Horizontal Period (calculated from above line)
        2, 2, 10,                               // Vertical Timings (back porch, front porch, pulse)
        CALC_PERIOD(480,2,2,10),                // Total Vertical Period (calculated from above line)
        CALC_FPR(800,480,2,2,41,2,2,10,60ULL)   // FPR - the 60ULL is the frames per second. Note the ULL!

// For a multiple display configuration we would put all this in a structure and then
//  set g->board to that structure.

/* Using FSMC A16 as RS */
#define GDISP_REG              (*((volatile uint16_t *) 0x60000000)) /* RS = 0 */
#define GDISP_RAM              (*((volatile uint16_t *) 0x60020000)) /* RS = 1 */

static GFXINLINE void init_board(GDisplay *g) {

    // As we are not using multiple displays we set g->board to NULL as we don't use it.
    g->board = 0;

    switch(g->controllerdisplay) {
    case 0:                                         // Set up for Display 0
        #if defined(STM32F1XX) || defined(STM32F3XX)
            /* FSMC setup for F1/F3 */
            rccEnableAHB(RCC_AHBENR_FSMCEN, 0);
        #elif defined(STM32F4XX) || defined(STM32F2XX)
            /* STM32F2-F4 FSMC init */
            rccEnableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_FSMCEN, 0);
        #elif defined(STM32F7XX)
            rccEnableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_FMCEN, 0);
            #error "FSMC not implemented for this device"

        /* set pins to FSMC mode */
        IOBus busD = {GPIOD, (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) |
                                (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15), 0};

        IOBus busE = {GPIOE, (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 12) |
                            (1 << 13) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15), 0};

        palSetBusMode(&busD, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(12));
        palSetBusMode(&busE, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(12));

        /* FSMC timing */
        FMC_Bank1->BTCR[0+1] = (FMC_BTR1_ADDSET_1 | FMC_BTR1_ADDSET_3) \
            | (FMC_BTR1_DATAST_1 | FMC_BTR1_DATAST_3) \
            | (FMC_BTR1_BUSTURN_1 | FMC_BTR1_BUSTURN_3) ;
        FSMC_Bank1->BTCR[0+1] = (FSMC_BTR1_ADDSET_1 | FSMC_BTR1_ADDSET_3) \
                | (FSMC_BTR1_DATAST_1 | FSMC_BTR1_DATAST_3) \
                | (FSMC_BTR1_BUSTURN_1 | FSMC_BTR1_BUSTURN_3) ;
        /* Bank1 NOR/SRAM control register configuration
         * This is actually not needed as already set by default after reset */

static GFXINLINE void post_init_board(GDisplay *g) {
    (void) g;
    /* FSMC delay reduced as the controller now runs at full speed */

static GFXINLINE void setpin_reset(GDisplay *g, bool_t state) {
    (void) g;
    (void) state;

static GFXINLINE void acquire_bus(GDisplay *g) {
    (void) g;

static GFXINLINE void release_bus(GDisplay *g) {
    (void) g;

static GFXINLINE void write_index(GDisplay *g, uint16_t index) {
    (void) g;
    GDISP_REG = index;

static GFXINLINE void write_data(GDisplay *g, uint16_t data) {
    (void) g;
    GDISP_RAM = data;

#endif /* _GDISP_LLD_BOARD_H */



Thanks in advance.


On 3/9/2018 at 17:17, Dolence said:

I don't know if the selected mode is wrong and how to change it or fi I have the FMC peripheral initialized properly. Anyone could please explain these lines to me? I can see from where 0x60000000 come from, but what about 0x60020000?

#define GDISP_REG              (*((volatile uint16_t *) 0x60000000)) /* RS = 0 */
#define GDISP_RAM              (*((volatile uint16_t *) 0x60020000)) /* RS = 1 */

The SSD1963 has an R/S pin which is used to tell the display controller whether the incoming data is configuration data or actual pixel data. This is done so that you don't need to wire up all the address pins in order to address each pixel individually (and each configuration register). The two macros above are used to access the SSD1963's memory, one time with R/S set to 0 and one time set to 1 - essentially giving you the option to write pixel data or configuration using "stock FSMC" without having to manually control the R/S pin via a GPIO.
You need to ensure that the macro which sets the R/S pin has the correct address. So if you hooked the R/S pin up to FSMC_A16 you need to sure that GDISP_RAM has address bit 16 (the 17th bit) set to 1.

FSMC is usually extremely straight forward and there is little that can go wrong. Just make sure that you use low timings until everything is working. Then you can ramp them up. But usually you want to be somewhere in the range of 10k to 100k until everything works. Also make sure that your pins are setup correctly (that the correct pins are being set to alternate function and so on).

The  most difficult part with the SSD1963 is getting the panel parameters correct. Make sure that you always at least tripple-check them. Those parameters are different for each panel. You should get a table of values together with your panel. However, note that the parameters you get are not always the ones you need to enter into that parameter struct. They are often calculated differently. 

I know that this post isn't as helpful as you might have wished for but there's not much we can do. FSMC is pretty much self contained: It's all about accessing a memory region. Everything else is up to your hardware and proper pin configuration. Simply tripple-check everything, take a break and do it again. Also, you definitely want to use a scope or logic analyzer to have a peek at those FSMC pins.
Keep in mind that you can test the FSMC outside of µGFX. All that FSMC is doing is accessing a memory region. Therefore,  you can setup your pins and just try accessing the SSD1963 with the two macros above - no magic involved. You can then just make call to the one with R/S = 0 and one with R/S = 1 in the main loop and use a scope or logic analyzer to verify that the correct pin is toggling.

Posted (edited)

Joel, thanks for helping and I'm sorry for taking your time. I now you are a very busy person and I really appreciate your attention.

1 hour ago, Joel Bodenmann said:

The SSD1963 has an R/S pin which is used to tell the display controller whether the incoming data is configuration data or actual pixel data. This is done so that you don't need to wire up all the address pins in order to address each pixel individually (and each configuration register). The two macros above are used to access the SSD1963's memory, one time with R/S set to 0 and one time set to 1 - essentially giving you the option to write pixel data or configuration using "stock FSMC" without having to manually control the R/S pin via a GPIO.
You need to ensure that the macro which sets the R/S pin has the correct address. So if you hooked the R/S pin up to FSMC_A16 you need to sure that GDISP_RAM has address bit 16 (the 17th bit) set to 1.

Knowing this, now I see the value 0x60020000 is wrong for FSMC_A16 since it would be a 1 on the 18th bit address bit 17. It should be 0x60010000.

On 09/03/2018 at 13:17, Dolence said:

/* set pins to FSMC mode */

IOBus busD = {GPIOD, (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15), 0};

IOBus busE = {GPIOE, (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 12) | (1 << 13) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15), 0};

palSetBusMode(&busD, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(12));

palSetBusMode(&busE, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(12));

Unless I missed something, all the pins are correctly set, including Register Select which is PD11. I will triple-check this. I will do all the recommended tests using a scope and check timings in display datasheet, as suggested.

I still have two things that I didn't get. 

1) Looking at the struct from example board file above, it's missing 3 things. Mode, flipHorz and flipVert. Flip are pretty straight forward, but for mode I have all those options and I'm kind of lost on which should I be using.

static const LCD_Parameters DisplayTimings[] = {
    // You need one of these array elements per display
        800, 480,                               // Panel width and height
        2, 2, 41,                               // Horizontal Timings (back porch, front porch, pulse)
        CALC_PERIOD(800,2,2,41),                // Total Horizontal Period (calculated from above line)
        2, 2, 10,                               // Vertical Timings (back porch, front porch, pulse)
        CALC_PERIOD(480,2,2,10),                // Total Vertical Period (calculated from above line)
        CALC_FPR(800,480,2,2,41,2,2,10,60ULL)   // FPR - the 60ULL is the frames per second. Note the ULL!
/* Set the pannel data width */
		#define LCD_PANEL_DATA_WIDTH_24BIT 				(1<<5)						// 18bit default
		/* Set the color deeph enhancement */
		#define LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_FRC					((1<<3) | (1<<4))
		#define LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_DITHERING				(1<<4)						// no enhancement default
		/* Set the dot clock pulse polarity */
		#define LCD_PANEL_LSHIFT_FALLING_EDGE			(1<<2)						// default rising edge
		/* Set the horizontal sync pulse polarity */
		#define LCD_PANEL_LLINE_ACTIVE_HIGH				(1<<1)						// default active low
		/* Set the vertical sync pulse polarity */
		#define LCD_PANEL_LFRAME_ACTIVE_HIGH			(1<0)						// default active low
		/* Set the lcd panel mode */
		#define LCD_PANEL_MODE_TTL						((1<<7) << 8)				// default mode is Hsync+Vsync +DE
		/* Set the lcd panel interface type */										// default TFT mode
		#define LCD_PANEL_TYPE_SERIAL_RGB_MODE			((1<<6) << 8)				// Serial RGB mode
		#define LCD_PANEL_TYPE_SERIAL_RGB_DUMMY_MODE	(((1<<5) | (1<<6)) << 8)	// Serial RGB+dummy mode

2) My display come from factory in 8080 parallel mode. I have no idea if the driver is expecting this or Motorola 6800. I don't even where it should be set. Would be it a STM32 FMC setting? Or it's implicit in the driver code? Maybe one of the previously mentioned mode macros? I also see an option for 24bit width, shouldn't it be a 16-bit option?

Thank you very much. Any progress will be written here.


Edited by Dolence
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so following this board administrator advices I'm trying to isolate the problem. Started a project with nothing but FMC test code. I did it like this:


#include "ch.h"
#include "hal.h"
//#include "gfx.h"

static void fmc_setup(void) {
  unsigned char FMC_Bank;

  rccEnableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_FMCEN, 0);

  IOBus busD = {GPIOD, (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) |
                       (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15), 0};

  IOBus busE = {GPIOE, (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 12) |
                       (1 << 13) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15), 0};

  palSetBusMode(&busD, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(12));
  palSetBusMode(&busE, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(12));

  FMC_Bank = 0;
  FMC_Bank1->BTCR[FMC_Bank+1] = (FMC_BTR1_ADDSET_1 | FMC_BTR1_ADDSET_3) | \
                                (FMC_BTR1_DATAST_1 | FMC_BTR1_DATAST_3) | \
                                (FMC_BTR1_BUSTURN_1 | FMC_BTR1_BUSTURN_3);

int main(void) {


  volatile uint16_t* fmc = (uint16_t*)0x60000000;
  volatile uint16_t w[] = { 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0000};
  volatile uint8_t i = 0;

  while (true) {

    for(i = 0; i<8; i++) {
      fmc[0] = w[i];

And attached here is a capture from LA. I don't know why but it should be constantly streaming to FMC bus, instead the captured data are just those on the picture.




I didn't carefully check every line of your code but I assume that the compiler is simply optimizing it out because you always change fsc[0] (this might be wrong if you setup volatile pointers correctly and so on, I barely skimmed your code). Try to write to different FMC target locations.

Also, disabling compiler optimization completely is always a good help in these kinds of debugging / boot-strapping situations.


Hi Joel. Thanks.

I've changed optimization level to 0 in makefile and FMC increasing from 0x60000000 to 0x6fffffff. Main thread sleep time was reduced to 2 ms as well.

Ok, now we've got some things happening!


Look like A16 goes low while we output some juicy data to sub bank1.


And how it goes high when the address change to the next sub bank. I didn't understood that signal change sequence while going from low to high. Is it fine?


What should be the next step? Figure out timings? What about 6800 and 8080 modes thing? Please, just give me a north to follow and I will try to sort things out.



Seems like you're making progress - good work.

Now you need to verify whether the signals are really doing what the display controller expects (and there's not really much that can go wrong like with SPI modes or so on). Once you're sure that your waveforms look right you can just go back to your uGFX stuff and implement the board file / driver.

Timings should not be of a concern at this stage. Usually you set them very low (or rather high, depending on your point of view) intentionally just to be sure that it won't be a limiting factor. Once you have everything running you can start dialing the timings to find the sweet spot.

  • 1 month later...

Ok, some updates...

static void fmc_setup(void) {
  unsigned char FMC_Bank;

  rccEnableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_FMCEN, 0);

  IOBus busD = {GPIOD, (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) |
                       (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15), 0};

  IOBus busE = {GPIOE, (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 12) |
                       (1 << 13) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15), 0};

  palSetBusMode(&busD, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(12));
  palSetBusMode(&busE, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(12));

  FMC_Bank = 0;
  FMC_Bank1->BTCR[FMC_Bank+1] = (FMC_BTR1_ADDSET_1 | FMC_BTR1_ADDSET_3) | \
                                (FMC_BTR1_DATAST_1 | FMC_BTR1_DATAST_3) | \
                                (FMC_BTR1_BUSTURN_1 | FMC_BTR1_BUSTURN_3);

int main(void) {

  volatile uint16_t* fmc = (uint16_t*)0x60000000;
  volatile uint16_t w[] = { 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0000};
  volatile uint8_t i = 0;
  volatile uint32_t j = 0;

  while (true) {

    for(i = 0; i<8; i++) {
      fmc[j] = w[i];
      if(j == 0x6fffffff) j =0;

Wired a Logic Analyzer to FMC pins and the code above give the expected (I think) output of many sequences as the image below.


Next I moved to this code, ripped from the benchmark test:

int main(void) {


    uint32_t i, pixels;
    coord_t height, width, rx, ry, rcx, rcy;
    volatile color_t random_color;




    width = gdispGetWidth();
    height = gdispGetHeight();

    pixels = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
        random_color = (rand() % 65535);
        rx = (rand() % (width-10));
        ry = (rand() % (height-10));
        rcx = (rand() % ((width-rx)-10))+10;
        rcy = (rand() % ((height-ry)-10))+10;

        gdispFillArea(rx, ry, rcx, rcy, random_color);
        pixels += (rcx+1)*(rcy+1);


    while(TRUE) {



No matter what, on LA the code output appears to hang right after gfxInit();

This is the entire output, zoom maxed:


And here in detail:



Any thoughts on what could be the cause of the FMC output hanging after initialization?




Changed my nucleo to external 5V power, checked all the wiring lines one by one 3 times using an multimeter to be sure, tried to send init commands directly in a barebone fashion. Nothing produced any different result. I noticed my display has come with a 20mhz crystal instead a 10mhz as mentioned in gdisp_lld_SSD1963.c driver file PLL and SYS clock configurations, don't know if it could be the cause. I'm starting to suspect my display is defective.


Using an arduino mega and TFT library provided by manufacturer the display worked. It isn't defective. I don't even know if I'm glad or sad LOL.

Posted (edited)

OK, so after testing the display in GPIO mode using an Arduino Mega and stating my display is fine I did some tests.

I made a new STM32CUBEMX project using my board (nucleo-f746zg) with all the uneeded periperals left aside. I then set the FMC options reflecting my actual wiring:

CS on NE1

Memory Type: LCD Interface

LCD Register Select: A16

Data: 16 bits

I have my display wired as this:

----- STM 32 ---------- SSD1963 ---- 
PD11	FMC_A16		D/C
PD14	FMC_D0		DB0
PD15	FMC_D1		DB1
PE10	FMC_D7		DB7
PE11	FMC_D8		DB8
PE12	FMC_D9		DB9
PE13	FMC_D10		DB10
PE14	FMC_D11		DB11
PE15	FMC_D12		DB12
PD8	FMC_D13		DB13
PD9	FMC_D14		DB14
PD10	FMC_D15		DB15

It's important to say that in NUCLEO board I had to desolder the bridges SB5/SB6  to be OFF and let SB4/SB7 in ON to be able to use USART3 pins as GPIO since they are tied to ST-LINK as default.


Display initialization sequence is ripped from Arduino manufacturer example.

I made a test to see if A16 state is being changed on DATA/CMD writes and it's working as expected.

I have tried every FMC timing and mode I could find. Most of the time I got only a white background with thin static vertical colored lines. Some times it looks like it has been initilized but only portion of the screen is covered by a weird kahki background with some colored pixels sparkled over it.

Suspecting it could be some kind of under powering issue (big display + backlight + nucleo board) I made a separete power 12V power source to nucleo board (over VIN) and 3.3V to display/backlight.

I'm using very short arduino style jumper wires. It worked in slow bit banging mode on Mega example. I'm not sure the higher speed of STM32 is an issue since I saw people using long flat cables like those used in the old days IDE drives.

I don't know what to try anymore. It's very hard to find a working example using FMC and STM32+SSD1963. I think F7 FMC have something different that I may be missing.

I'm on this for days, no big progress so far. I know it's a community forum, most of you have been busy with your own tasks, but please, help me to figure this out. 

Edited by Dolence

Moderator, please delete this topic. It's been a long time and I couldn't even initialize this display properly. I'm abandoning this project. Thanks.

  • 1 year later...

im trying to run tft lcd 7 inch-24 bit rgb with stm32f103zet (144-pin) by ssd1963 driver.

i read all post here and my sample code configuration is  same as yours. my sample source is 16 but rgb and the order of connecting LData 0 - 23 of driver to LCD is diffreent from mine that is 24 bit.

i even cant turn on the LCD through FSMC Mode!!

please helm me how can i run it and where is the problem?!!!

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