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Table widget

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Hello Joel!
I have a project that includes an STM32L476 and a display with an LT7381 video controller and a touch GT911. I initially tried using LVGL, but had to give up. The library required an unacceptably large amount of memory. That's why I turned my attention to uGFX. I really liked your library because it takes 10 times less memory than LVGL. For example, a project with LVGL takes up [ 230'184 bytes of readonly code memory; 134'912 bytes of readonly data memory; 86'600 bytes of readwrite data memory]. The same project with uGFX takes [33'700 bytes of readonly code memory; 3'027 bytes of readonly data memory; 33'159 bytes of readwrite data memory]. Additionally, I wrote touchscreen drivers using the Shape Drawing Engine. LVGL does not allow this feature.
In my project I plan to use Table widget. I found a similar Table widget on this forum. Very nice widget.

Unfortunately, the link to the Table widget archive is not active. How can I access the link?

Thanks for the answer!

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There are two links. One about midway down and one at the bottom of the thread. I just tried the one at the bottom of the thread and it seems to work (it downloaded something onto my mobile phone).

Give that a try.

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Thanks Joel! I use my own OS for STM32 and adapted uGFX. The development environment is IAR IDE, so some minor changes were required. I'll make adjustments to the Table and Spinbox widgets and post the results here. For example, I added the ability to determine the width of each table column, or the width will remain the same as it is now.


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Table widget has a problem - when changing the Page of Tabs, the Table does not update completely. I have now made a workaround. I detect an event from the page and call the Table update function that I had to add.
The second problem is rendering the Table on Page1, although the parent is specified as Page3. When rendered by an event from Page3, the Table is displayed on Page3. It looks like this. The program starts and displays Tabs and Page1 "Main states" with Table. I select the Page3 "Results" tab and see Table. Then I select the Page1 "Main states" tab without Table. How to solve this problem?

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I discovered a small detail: if you prohibit the Title rendering (#define GWIN_NEED_TABLE_TITLE  GFXOFF), then the display is made as it was conceived - only on page 3. I don’t know how it can help, because the code _drawTitle and _drawHeader  is almost the same.

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