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I use stm32f4 . ssd1289 , ov7670 

my picture is 160*120 in RGB565 mode.

how can I draw my image in ram to display.

I create imagebox but no display anythings  

gwinImageOpenMemory(ghImagebox_Camera,CameraBuffer);  << this function.

if I must enable pixmap , help me about it . I cant compile my project when enabled pixmap.

I have 30 error. like this error    

..\ugfx_library\src\gdisp/gdisp_pixmap.c(83): error:  #20: identifier "GDISPVMT_pixmap" is undefined   


thanks a lot 



The function gwinImageOpenMemory() expects a real image, not just a pixel buffer. An image consists of an image header and the payload. A pure pixel buffer is not an image. For this function to work, you'd have to create an image from your pixel buffer. To be a bit more verbose: You must create a BMP, GIF, PNG image. If you really want to do that: The easiest one to do is BMP as the image data itself is not encoded/compressed. You'd just have to add the BMP image header and it should work. If your display uses the same pixel format as the camera (RGB565) you could even go a step further and directly use the native image format.

However, that's probably not what you want to do. The only reason why you would do that is because you want to store the images anyway or if you want to take advantage of the GWIN system features (visibility, translation, ...).

If you just want to display your camera pixel buffer somewhere on the screen you should use the gdispBlitArea() function. API documentation: http://api.ugfx.org/group___g_d_i_s_p.html#ga5bc91fdc9d56fc51d278abfe4c0c50fa

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