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I have seen new website, great work!

But I think it will be good for new (or potentional) users of uGFX to make a page with all elements of uFGX (may be I overlooked it?).

For each element:

  • what this element for, short description
  • picture of element in hardware (maybe big highres photo, to see if button have gradient, for example)
  • how it can be customized using built-in possibilities and properties (with additional pictures - for each significant change of view, for example gradient or flat view for button, have it shadow or not, and so on)

I know that it relatively big and boring work, but it will give knowledge to users who wants to know what it will get with uGFX library (we have phrase in Russia for this case: 'it is better to see one time, than 100 times to listen about').

Something like this: https://www.segger.com/emwin-widgets.html

I know, someone can look on demos page (with videos). But demos are result of unknown deepness of uGFX tuning, so I cannot know what I will get 'from the box'.

Just my thoughts, may be you will find them useful.



Thank you very much for your feedback. We appreciate it a lot!

We see what you mean and we will definitely do that. It sounds like a great idea!

However, this might take some time as you said yourself that's quite a bit of work. We'll let you know once we're done!

~ Tectu

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