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Posts posted by Asaliii

  1. I am trying to convert .otf format of my font using your linux mcufont converter. I am also missing some characters in different font sizes. Does anyone know what is this about?

    I am filtering my font so it won't be too big. 

    I am missing some characters in size 14, but when I change my size to 16 it shows it correctly. but there is also a character that I can't show it in either sizes. 

    Is that because I am using otf format and my command in import_ttf ?  I didn't find any other solution to create my .c files.

  2. Hello,

    I have a rectangular shape progressbar which I would like to be filled by pressing a button. but my problem is that it won't fill the whole progressbar and a little portion of it fron the end will remain empty.

    does this have anything to do with my customdrawing function? I am using gwinProgressbarDraw_Std().


  3. What I understood is that I have to draw that portion on my background image again then try to redraw the label in my label's custom drawing function.

    my custom drawing function is very simple, it first checks for an image, then draw the string, So what you are saying is that I should first draw the background and then string on top of it?in the same custom drawing unction?

    correct me if I'm wrong. 

  4. Hello,

    I am passing an image to my container in each screen then I start drawing my labels (which have transparent custom draw function ) on this background image.

    I need to change and update my labels on the screen and I use gwinSetText in order to update my widgets' texts but it seems that it keeps the last text and draw the second text on top of the last text.

    does this have anything to do with the transparency function I'm using? Is there a way to fix this? 

  5. this is the example of my icons on that screen:

    I have defined my own custom drawing functions.


    the screen is a little bit complicated. it read some data and images from 2 different external SPI flashes. When I run the screen on PC I don't see this issue and when I debug it, it stuck somewhere in my dma transmission functions. do definitely it's not a graphic issue. the problem is somewhere in lower level of drivers or maybe tasks priorities. 

    disabling the touch for me was kind of a way to avoid seeing the issue not fixing the issue. 



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