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Everything posted by king2

  1. king2

    Niewbie questions

    Thanks! Sure I know that uGFX isn't glued to ChibiOS, in my case it is different choices, but first priority is to choose right OS. I have 512 kb flash only, but I have to include firmware for another two modules in main firmware to make all system to be updated with current versions, so I'm trying to reduce space everywhere..
  2. king2

    Niewbie questions

    1. Now I deciding should I switch from CMSISOS/StemWin back to ChibiOS or not, and use uGFX instead of StemWin or not (chances of uGFX was just raised ). But I have to try new ChibiOS USB host stack first. Next I will try to implement interface with uGFX (approx in a week). If I will decide to use uGFX, sure, I will code date/time widget and will share it with you and community. 2, 3. OK, I understood, it looks simpler that I expected. 4. I have SDRAM in my hardware, so I will try to have fonts compressed and uncompress it into SDRAM from firmware. Thanks!
  3. Hi! I need to solve some tasks with GIU. I will ask questions with description, may be there is a simpler way to get my tasks completed. My main goal is to solve my tasks without deep modifying/tuning components. Maybe my questions are dumb, so sorry in advance! If in each of cases there is a better way to do it, please tell me! 1. [setting date and time] To set each of day, month, hour, minute and so on, I should for each of them make text label, up/down arrows, write some code to not allow user set month number 0 or 13, or 25-th hour (to get something like emWin's 'spinner' widget). Can I do it simple with uFGX? 2. [buttons with pictures etc] I need to make square button with picture inside (green/red depending of status), and little text in it as second line. As I understand, I should use gwinButtonDraw_Image, and draw text at pre-defined coordinates inside button. Can image be replaced on-fly when needed with another? I do not need any animation of pressing process, users just presses on button, I do something inside my firmware and than I can change or not button status. 3. Can I draw text on top of image button? For all elements, how can I define z-orders that I need? 4. Can images and fonts be compressed in firmware? Thank you in advance!
  4. Hi! I have seen new website, great work! But I think it will be good for new (or potentional) users of uGFX to make a page with all elements of uFGX (may be I overlooked it?). For each element: what this element for, short description picture of element in hardware (maybe big highres photo, to see if button have gradient, for example) how it can be customized using built-in possibilities and properties (with additional pictures - for each significant change of view, for example gradient or flat view for button, have it shadow or not, and so on) I know that it relatively big and boring work, but it will give knowledge to users who wants to know what it will get with uGFX library (we have phrase in Russia for this case: 'it is better to see one time, than 100 times to listen about'). Something like this: https://www.segger.com/emwin-widgets.html I know, someone can look on demos page (with videos). But demos are result of unknown deepness of uGFX tuning, so I cannot know what I will get 'from the box'. Just my thoughts, may be you will find them useful.
  5. 1. gos_freertos.h, line 54. 3. I got it, but even template file should be correct, isn't it? 4. "GWindowObject, * GHandle" - gwin.h line 55, "point, point_t" - gdisp.h line 53. 6. I do not know, as I understand its just generates false warnings to user while compiling. To be precise, it is not complains, this is just feedback that I wrote thinking it can be helpful for you and for lib (but, sure, you can ignore it if you want).
  6. OK, lets start.. this is warnings and errors I got while trying to compile library: 1. gtimer.c Error[Pe118]: a void function may not return a value D:\Hardware\_projects\ugfx\src\gtimer\gtimer.c 111 Declaration of function is static DECLARE_THREAD_FUNCTION(GTimerThreadHandler, arg), DECLARE_THREAD_FUNCTION = threadreturn_t via define, threadreturn_t = void via typedef. So, return 0 at end of void function is a error. 2. Many places where construction const XXX const is used, what generates Warning[Pe083]: type qualifier specified more than once. 3. init_board, read_byte, read_word (gmouse*) - empty functions that returns nothing, so Warning[Pe940]: missing return statement at end of non-void function generated. It will be better to include return statement even to sample non-void functions. 4. "point, point_t" and "GWindowObject, * GHandle" declaration - Warning[Pe301]: typedef name has already been declared (with same type) 5. gdisp.c: calling mf_render_aligned - Warning[Pe188]: enumerated type mixed with another type (justify). 6. gfx.h includes gdisp_rules.h and then gdisp.h (that includes gdisp_lld_config.h). So, defining GDISP_HARDWARE_PIXELREAD in gdisp_lld_config.h will still allow gdisp_rules.h do not know about GDISP_HARDWARE_PIXELREAD and generates warnings like GDISP_HARDWARE_PIXELREAD was not defined. Should it be repaired?
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