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Joel Bodenmann

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Posts posted by Joel Bodenmann

  1. You will have to use the toggle driver of the ginput module. You can find several examples on how to use it within the /demos directory (search for *Toggle*). Currently there's just the input driver for the ChibiOS/RT PAL HAL (I assume that is what you're using). Therefore there shouldn't be a lot of trouble to get it working. You can take a look at the example file for the olimex board to see how it's done.

    I'll add this to my ToDo list to write proper documentation about it.

    ~ Tectu

  2. The GWIN documentation mentions what steps need to be done for a custom render routine. You can also find a thread with sample code here.

    You can find all the required information about the widget in the GHandle:

    typedef struct GWindowObject {
    // This MUST be the first member of the struct
    gfxQueueASyncItem wmq; // @< The next window (for the window manager)
    const struct gwinVMT *vmt; // @< The VMT for this GWIN
    coord_t x, y; // @< Screen relative position
    coord_t width, height; // @< Dimensions of this window
    color_t color, bgcolor; // @< The current drawing colors
    uint16_t flags; // @< Window flags (the meaning is private to the GWIN class)
    font_t font; // @< The current font
    } GWindowObject, * GHandle;

    I'm going to prepare an example showing how to use cyrillic fonts within the following days.

    ~ Tectu

  3. Yes, the code runs here too.

    Also, I suggest you to use GIF images for animations like your "WELCOME" text, if you have the required amount of memory. Furthermore, you don't need to create a window all over screen. This is automatically done when you initialize GWIN.

    You're also using the old fonts. Make sure you read the blog from time to time.

    ~ Tectu

  4. Hello debayan and welcome to the forum,

    I just grabbed my embest board and flashed a working button example. Then I rotated the display and everything is still working nicely:


    Could you please attach your code? On what release are you? I tried it out with the current master.

    ~ Tectu

  5. Hey man, sorry that this took a bit longer than expected but I finally found time to include it into the repo.

    It looks good to me so far. Can you please get the latest master and try to use the implemented driver?

    You may want to tell me your real name for the contributors table.

    ~ Tectu

  6. I found that gwinDestroy() destroys only last created widget (GHANDLE parameter ignored).

    Can you please show how to reproduce your problem? The source does clearly show how the passed handle is used:

    void gwinDestroy(GHandle gh) {
    // Remove from the window manager

    // Class destroy routine
    if (gh->vmt->Destroy)

    // Clean up the structure
    if (gh->flags & GWIN_FLG_DYNAMIC)
    gfxFree((void *)gh);

    gh->flags = 0; // To be sure, to be sure

    ~ Tectu

  7. This clearly is a documentation typo. It's supposed to be gwinDestroy(). Thanks for finding, it has been fixed!

    However, if you need different sets of controls, the tab widget might be of your interest too. The /demos/modules/gwin/widgets demo shows how it can be used (along the very simple example on the tab widget documentation page).

    ~ Tectu

  8. Two board files one assuming SPI is used and one assuming I2C is used, right?

    Yes, that's completely right. I will do it and add the driver with the new files. As soon as you are back, you can try the driver and tell me if everything works properly.

    Enjoy your vacation!

    ~ Tectu

  9. Okay, I finally got the time to look at your new driver. It looks a lot better now! There's only one more thing: Could you please split the I²C and SPI interface into two separate board files named gdisp_lld_board_example_spi.h and gdisp_lld_board_example_i2c.h? If you don't want to waste your time with that, I can do it as soon as I add the driver to the repository.

    Keep going the good work!

    ~ Tectu

  10. Hello goeck,

    Thank you very much for sharing you driver. I took a look and these are the points I have to mention:

    • I see that you have the ChibiOS/RT logo in the framebuffer per default. Since this project is now completely separated from ChibiOS, it's a big no-go. I recommend you using an empty frame buffer.
    • In the source file, what is this?
      /* Fulfill Adafruit license.*/

      The driver source must be as generic as possible and really just LCD controller dependent - not LCD panel or LCD module (adafruit) dependent.

    • In the source file, after the scroll implementation which ends at line 534, you start giving an interface to control several things such as the LCD controllers power states and start addresses. These are things that need to be declared as static and only usable inside your drivers source file. Things like backlight and contrast changes are meant to be made through the gdisp_lld_control() routine. Here's an example.
    • I'd recommend to name the BLACK and WHITE macros in the SSD1306.h a different way, such as SSD1306_BLACK and SSD1306_WHITE so there are no confusions between the rest of the library.
    • The board file mess has been cleaned up in the meantime. All the #ifdef stuff in line 43 of the source file became obsolet. It's now appropriate to just #include gdisp_lld_board.g there.

    Beside these things, your driver works seems to be very solid and consistent. Good work!

    ~ Tectu

  11. Hey goeck,

    First of all: Thanks for sharing.

    Could you please do me a favor and open a new thread in the Hardware sub forum about this (driver name in the thread title)? It helps to keep things clean and I am sure that there will be some discussions going on :)

    ~ Tectu

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