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Having a failure in gdispGFillArea() call for displaying default logo.

gdispInit() -> vmt->postinit(pd) -> gdispGFillArea(g, x+p[0]*w, y+p[1]*w, p[2]*w, p[3]*w, GDISP_STARTUP_LOGO_COLOR) -> fillArea(g)

In gdisp_lld_STM32LTDC.c, function gdisp_lld_fill_area(GDisplay* g), the following while loop never gets resolved.

 // Wait until DMA2D is ready
        while(DMA2D->CR & DMA2D_CR_START);

DMA2D = ((DMA2D_TypeDef *)((0x40000000U + 0x00020000U) + 0xB000U))

DMA2D_CR_START = (0x1U << (0U))


Any help is appreciated.



This is either an issue with your CPU, the definition of which CPU you are using, your startup code or an io configuration issue.

1. Check that the CPU you are using supports both DMA2D and ltdc.

2. Make sure you are correctly telling the stm32 Hal layer which CPU variant you have.

3. Check the board level startup code and make sure you are configuring the clocks and io as per the examples provided.


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