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Trying to build: RT-STM32F429-DISCOVERY Example project

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I have just setup a new installation of   ChibiStudio.

Using the demo project:  STM32F429i-Discovery, ChibiOS 1.0

I get part of the project to build, but It doesn't seem to be building the ugfx.

I changes the directory in the makefile  (GFXLIB) , but possibly I should have changed it somewhere else ?

Compiling gos_chibios.c
Reaping winning child 01301ca0 PID 27647544 
CreateProcess(C:\ChibiStudio\tools\gnutools\bin\sh.exe,C:/ChibiStudio/tools/gnutools/bin/sh.exe -c "arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -mcpu=cortex-m4 -O2 -ggdb -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=16 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-common  -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-alms=build/lst/gos_chibios.lst -DCORTEX_USE_FPU=FALSE  -DTHUMB_PRESENT -mno-thumb-interwork -DTHUMB_NO_INTERWORKING -MD -MP -MF .dep/gos_chibios.o.d -mthumb -DTHUMB -I. -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/license -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/devices/STM32F4xx -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/common/ext/CMSIS/include -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/common/ext/CMSIS/ST/STM32F4xx -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/rt/include -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/common/oslib/include -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/common/ports/ARMCMx -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/osal/rt -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/include -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/common/ARMCMx -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/STM32F4xx -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/ADCv2 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/CANv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/DACv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/DMAv2 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/EXTIv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/GPIOv2 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/I2Cv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/MACv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/OTGv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/QUADSPIv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/RTCv2 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/SPIv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/SDIOv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/TIMv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/USARTv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/xWDGv1 -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/boards/ST_STM32F429I_DISCOVERY -IC:\ChibiStudio\chibios176/os/hal/lib/streams -IC:\Clients\EPD\SBC's\Graphics\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx -IC:\Clients\EPD\SBC's\Graphics\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx/3rdparty/tinygl-0.4-ugfx/include -IC:\Clients\EPD\SBC's\Graphics\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx/boards/base/STM32F429i-Discovery/chibios -IC:\Clients\EPD\SBC's\Graphics\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx/drivers/gdisp/STM32LTDC C:\Clients\EPD\SBC's\Graphics\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx/src/gos/gos_chibios.c -o build/obj/gos_chibios.o",...)
Live child 01301ca0 (build/obj/gos_chibios.o) PID 27647544 
Live child 01301af0 (build/obj/gfx.o) PID 27647144 
/usr/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''  <--------ERROR ******************************
/usr/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file                    <--------ERROR
Reaping losing child 01301ca0 PID 27647544 
Removing child 01301ca0 PID 27647544 from chain.
Live child 01301af0 (build/obj/gfx.o) PID 27647144 
make: *** [build/obj/gos_chibios.o] Error 258
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
/usr/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/usr/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Reaping losing child 01301af0 PID 27647144 
make: *** [build/obj/gfx.o] Error 258
Removing child 01301af0 PID 27647144 from chain.

15:29:44 Build Finished (took 28s.77ms)


Hey there!

This sounds like a simple encoding/file_format issue. What system are you working on? On unix this might be a simple repository format issue that can be fixed with something like dos2unix. Any additional information that you can provide might help here.


Hi Joel,

Figured it out !

The directory path had a directory with a ' in it (C:\Clients\EPD\SBC's\Graphics\ugfx_chibios_stm) [SBC's]

This made something very unhappy.

It now compiles - on to how to get the program into the Eval board.....




I cannot attach to the STM32F4 discovery board.

I don't know why. - It doesn't look like the debugger is set up properly ?

I am trying to follow the setup video for ChibiStudio to no avail...

I get the errors:

Reading symbols from C:\Clients\EPD\SBC\Graphics\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\project\build\ch.elf...symbol-file C:\\Clients\\EPD\\SBC\\Graphics\\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\\project\\build\\ch.elf
set remotetimeout 20
monitor reset init
"monitor" command not supported by this target.
monitor sleep 50
"monitor" command not supported by this target.
load C:\\Clients\\EPD\\SBC\\Graphics\\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\\project\\build\\ch.elf 
You can't do that when your target is `None'
tbreak main
Temporary breakpoint 1 at 0x800a300: file main.c, line 27.
The program is not being run.
The program is not being run.

Can you point me in the proper direction please.

I figure that you may have already seen this once....



I tried to follow the instructions, but no luck.

I cant get the debugger set up correctly -

I try to start OCD

Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring
Error: already specified hl_layout stlink
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
adapter speed: 2000 kHz
adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
none separate
srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst
Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
Info : clock speed 1800 kHz
Error: open failed
in procedure 'init' 
in procedure 'ocd_bouncer'


symbol-file C:\\Clients\\EPD\\SBC\\Graphics\\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\\project\\build\\ch.elf
set remotetimeout 20
monitor reset init
"monitor" command not supported by this target.
monitor sleep 50
"monitor" command not supported by this target.
load C:\\Clients\\EPD\\SBC\\Graphics\\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\\ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio\\project\\build\\ch.elf 
You can't do that when your target is `None'
Temporary breakpoint 1 at 0x800a300: file main.c, line 27.
tbreak main
The program is not being run.



I mananged to get it running.
There were x2 configuration problems for me.

You probably already know this...

and there appears to be a  particular order that 
needs to be follewed to debug an app

1) Confguration of OPEN OCD - "external tool setup"
-c "telnet_port 4444" -s "C:\ChibiStudio\tools\openocd\scripts" -f "interface/stlink-v2.cfg" -f "board/stm32f429disc1.cfg"

2) Configuration of debugger "Run->Debug configuration"
 generic tcp/ip - localhost - 3333

Not sure why these port numbers work....

2) starting the project
 a) openOCD needs to be started manually - one time - must start thru external tool pulldown
 a) pressing debug(bug icon) doesnt ever work - must always select the down arrow.

So, I am now running -

Thanks for the support.


Glad to hear that you managed to get it working! Well done! :) 

I'd like to improve our documentation where necessary, but I feel like those steps have been explained there. Where do you see possible improvement?

By the way: 4444 is the telnet port while 3333 is the GDB port.

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