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I've implemented the graph demo but the picture looks slightly different than result-640x480.gif (aside of the widow dimensions, of course) : 

1. Seems the Graph grid x/y are exchanged?  Obviously the mistake is in gwin_graph.c between lines 220 and 238.

2. The background color is not black, so in order to see the axes and grid I've changed their colors.

In order to set it's  background I tried:

- setting custom style at creation time wi.customStyle = &black; and

- setting the widget color at drawing time: gwinSetBgColor(gh, Black);  gwinRedraw(gh);

both w/o success. 

Could you tell me, please, how can I set it?


Note the graph window does not store the graph data. After clearing you need to reissue the graph drawing commands. gwinRedraw() does not redraw the graph.

Also, have you run the gdisp basics demo to ensure that the display colors and orientation are correct for your hardware? It is precisely to enable you to compare the results you got with what it should look like that we added the images to the demo directories.

Posted (edited)

Hi guys,

Sorry for delayed replay. The code looks like:

// GHandles
static GHandle ghGraphPageContainer;
static GHandle ghGraphPageToolbarButtonBack;
static GHandle ghGraphPageContentContainer;
static GHandle ghGraphPageGraphWindow;
// A set of data points that will be displayed in the graph
static const point data[5] = {
    { -40, -40 },
    { 70, 40 },
    { 140, 60 },
    { 210, 60 },
    { 280, 200 }
// A graph styling
static GGraphStyle GraphStyle1 = {
    { GGRAPH_POINT_DOT, 0, Blue },          // Point
    { GGRAPH_LINE_NONE, 2, Gray },          // Line
    { GGRAPH_LINE_SOLID, 0, Red/*White*/ },        // X axis
    { GGRAPH_LINE_SOLID, 0, Blue/*White*/ },        // Y axis
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DASH, 5, Red/*Gray*/, 50 },      // X grid
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DOT, 7, Blue/*Yellow*/, 50 },     // Y grid
// Another graph styling
static const GGraphStyle GraphStyle2 = {
    { GGRAPH_POINT_SQUARE, 5, Red },        // Point
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DOT, 2, Pink },           // Line
    { GGRAPH_LINE_SOLID, 0, Red/*White*/ },        // X axis
    { GGRAPH_LINE_SOLID, 0, Blue/*White*/ },        // Y axis
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DASH, 5, Red/*Gray*/, 50 },      // X grid
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DOT, 7, Blue/*Yellow*/, 50 },     // Y grid
void createPageGraph(void)
	GWidgetInit wi;

//Creates a page container with show = false, a toolbar inside with a title and a back button
	            0);	//no subpages
//Creates a content container with application's common backgownd color
	page_common_add_generic_container(&ghGraphPageContainer, &ghGraphPageContentContainer);

//Graph 320x320
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 0;
	wi.g.y = (PAGE_COMMON_ELEMENTS_HEIGHT - 320)/2;
	wi.g.width = 320;
	wi.g.height = 320;
	wi.g.parent = ghGraphPageContentContainer;
	//wi.customStyle = &black;	//doesn't work
	ghGraphPageGraphWindow = gwinGraphCreate(0, &wi.g);

void graphPageDrawGraph(GHandle gh) {

	uint16_t    i;

	/* doesn't work
	 * gwinSetBgColor(gh, Black);

	// Set the graph origin and style
    gwinGraphSetOrigin(gh, gwinGetWidth(gh)/2, gwinGetHeight(gh)/2);	//middle
    gwinGraphSetStyle(gh, &GraphStyle1);

    // Draw a sine wave
    for(i = 0; i < gwinGetWidth(gh); i++) {
        gwinGraphDrawPoint(gh, i-gwinGetWidth(gh)/2, 80*sin(2*0.2*M_PI*i/180));

    // Modify the style
    GraphStyle1.point.color = Green;
    gwinGraphSetStyle(gh, &GraphStyle1);

    // Draw a different sine wave
    for(i = 0; i < gwinGetWidth(gh)*5; i++) {
        gwinGraphDrawPoint(gh, i/5-gwinGetWidth(gh)/2, 95*sin(2*0.2*M_PI*i/180));

    // Change to a completely different style
    gwinGraphSetStyle(gh, &GraphStyle2);

    // Draw a set of points
    gwinGraphDrawPoints(gh, data, sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]));

void showPageGraph(void) {

//The main loop invokes:

I'm not in front of device(tomorrow I'll post a picture), but the rendered window is:

- white background color,

- both sine are OK, i.e. they are drawn horizontally

- the third line and dots are OK,

- x axle is solid red west - east line, i.e. horizontal (------>)

- y axle is solid blue, south - north line, i.e. vertical

- the origin is in the graph window center

- x grid's lines are dot, blue (according to GraphStyle1/2 above must be dashed red lines)

- y grid's lines are dash, red (according to GraphStyle1/2 above must be doted blue lines)

i.e. everything is fine, except the grid and background. 

The displays is 320x480 and its orientation is fine. 

Edited by wctltya

The attached image quality is not the best one, but it is enough to see that the grid x/y are exchanged.

It is always better to read the doc's first :D - saw the window background color is the default background color.



Well, maybe I'm still not understanding the problem here but the picture you show is exactly what you wrote in your code:

  • X-Axis: Red, Solid-Line
  • X-Grid: Red, Dash-Line
  • Y-Axis: Blue, Solid-Line
  • X-Grid: Blue, Dash-Line

That's exactly what I'm seeing in the picture.

Posted (edited)
// A graph styling
static GGraphStyle GraphStyle1 = {
    { GGRAPH_POINT_DOT, 0, Blue },          // Point
    { GGRAPH_LINE_NONE, 2, Gray },          // Line
    { GGRAPH_LINE_SOLID, 0, Red/*White*/ },        // X axis
    { GGRAPH_LINE_SOLID, 0, Blue/*White*/ },        // Y axis
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DASH, 5, Red/*Gray*/, 50 },      // X grid
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DOT, 7, Blue/*Yellow*/, 50 },     // Y grid
// Another graph styling
static const GGraphStyle GraphStyle2 = {
    { GGRAPH_POINT_SQUARE, 5, Red },        // Point
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DOT, 2, Pink },           // Line
    { GGRAPH_LINE_SOLID, 0, Red/*White*/ },        // X axis
    { GGRAPH_LINE_SOLID, 0, Blue/*White*/ },        // Y axis
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DASH, 5, Red/*Gray*/, 50 },      // X grid
    { GGRAPH_LINE_DOT, 7, Blue/*Yellow*/, 50 },     // Y grid


x-Grid, shall be Red, Dash-line

y-Grid, shall be Blue, Dot-line

Edited by wctltya

And that's exactly what I see on the picture. The X-Grid is the divisions in X direction, so the lines that divide the X axis. Those are the lines perpendicular to the X-Axis. Same with the Y-axis but the other way around: The Y-Grid divides the Y-Axis and hence the Y-Grid are the horizontal lines.


BTW, my application requiring a second Y-axis (right side), so I've created a function for it.

You might would like to consider adding an optional second Y-axis to a next library revision as well.

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