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Hi everyone,

I use uGFX with FreeRTOS on STM32F407. I tried to use the key of the board to control the Textedit  visual. But when I press the key, the screen was became white.

Here is the gui.c file.

static void createPagePage0(void)
	GWidgetInit wi;

	// create container widget: ghContainerPage0
	wi.g.show = FALSE;
	wi.g.x = 0;
	wi.g.y = 0;
	wi.g.width = 240;
	wi.g.height = 320;
	wi.g.parent = 0;
	wi.text = "Container";
	wi.customDraw = 0;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghContainerPage0 = gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, 0);

	// Create textedit widget: ghTextedit1
	wi.g.show = FALSE;
	wi.g.x = 10;
	wi.g.y = 70;
	wi.g.width = 120;
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage0;
	wi.text = "First Name";
	wi.customDraw = gwinTexteditDefaultDraw;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghTextedit1 = gwinTexteditCreate(0, &wi, 0);

	// Create textedit widget: ghTextedit2
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 10;
	wi.g.y = 10;
	wi.g.width = 120;
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage0;
	wi.text = "User Name";
	wi.customDraw = gwinTexteditDefaultDraw;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghTextedit2 = gwinTexteditCreate(0, &wi, 0);

	// create button widget: ghButton1
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 50;
	wi.g.y = 280;
	wi.g.width = 120;
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage0;
	wi.text = "Change Page";
	wi.customDraw = gwinButtonDraw_Normal;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghButton1 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);

static void createPagePage1(void)
	GWidgetInit wi;

	// create container widget: ghContainerPage1
	wi.g.show = FALSE;
	wi.g.x = 0;
	wi.g.y = 0;
	wi.g.width = 240;
	wi.g.height = 320;
	wi.g.parent = 0;
	wi.text = "Container";
	wi.customDraw = 0;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghContainerPage1 = gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, 0);

	// create container widget: ghContainer1
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 30;
	wi.g.y = 170;
	wi.g.width = 200;
	wi.g.height = 110;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage1;
	wi.text = "Container1";
	wi.customDraw = gwinContainerDraw_Std;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghContainer1 = gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER);

	// create radiobutton widget: ghRadiobutton3
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 80;
	wi.g.y = 70;
	wi.g.width = 120;
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainer1;
	wi.text = "white";
	wi.customDraw = gwinRadioDraw_Radio;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghRadiobutton3 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, 0);
	gwinSetColor(ghRadiobutton3, black_studio);
	gwinSetBgColor(ghRadiobutton3, white_studio);

	// create radiobutton widget: ghRadiobutton2
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 80;
	wi.g.y = 40;
	wi.g.width = 120;
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainer1;
	wi.text = "Black";
	wi.customDraw = gwinRadioDraw_Radio;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghRadiobutton2 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, 0);
	gwinSetColor(ghRadiobutton2, black_studio);
	gwinSetBgColor(ghRadiobutton2, white_studio);

	// create radiobutton widget: ghRadiobutton1
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 80;
	wi.g.y = 10;
	wi.g.width = 120;
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainer1;
	wi.text = "Custom";
	wi.customDraw = gwinRadioDraw_Radio;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghRadiobutton1 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, 0);
	gwinSetColor(ghRadiobutton1, black_studio);
	gwinSetBgColor(ghRadiobutton1, white_studio);

	// create checkbox widget: ghCheckbox1
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 50;
	wi.g.y = 10;
	wi.g.width = 120;
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage1;
	wi.text = "Checkbox1";
	wi.customDraw = gwinCheckboxDraw_CheckOnLeft;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghCheckbox1 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinCheckboxCheck(ghCheckbox1, FALSE);

	// create checkbox widget: ghCheckbox2
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 50;
	wi.g.y = 30;
	wi.g.width = 120;
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage1;
	wi.text = "Checkbox2";
	wi.customDraw = gwinCheckboxDraw_CheckOnLeft;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghCheckbox2 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinCheckboxCheck(ghCheckbox2, FALSE);

	// create button widget: ghButton2
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 50;
	wi.g.y = 290;
	wi.g.width = 120;
	wi.g.height = 20;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage1;
	wi.text = "Change Page";
	wi.customDraw = gwinButtonDraw_Normal;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghButton2 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);

	// Create label widget: ghLabel1
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 30;
	wi.g.y = 140;
	wi.g.width = 173;
	wi.g.height = 24;
	wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage1;
	wi.text = "Select a Widget Style";
	wi.customDraw = gwinLabelDrawJustifiedLeft;
	wi.customParam = 0;
	wi.customStyle = 0;
	ghLabel1 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinLabelSetBorder(ghLabel1, FALSE);

void guiShowPage(unsigned pageIndex)
	// Hide all pages

	// Show page selected page
	switch (pageIndex) {
	case 0:

	case 1:


void guiCreate(void)
	GWidgetInit wi;

	// Prepare fonts
	dejavu_sans_16 = gdispOpenFont("DejaVuSans16");

	// Prepare images

	// GWIN settings
	gwinSetDefaultStyle(&white, FALSE);

	// Create all the display pages

	// Select the default display page


void guiEventLoop(void)
	GEvent* pe;

	while (1) {
		gwinAttachToggle(ghButton1, 0, 0);		
		// Get an event
		pe = geventEventWait(&glistener, 0);
					printf("Button clicked\r\n");		//test


I attached the executive result.



Hope can give some advice.

Thank you guys.


Problem 1: When you called geventEventWait you passed a timeout patameter of 0. This means it can return immediately with a timeout if there is no event waiting. This makes geventEventWait return NULL. You have not tested for NULL and could hard fault on the next line on some processors.

Problem 2: calling geventEventWait with a 0 parameter is not good on many operating systems as it does not allow other threads to run - particularly on co-operative operating systems such as RAW32. While FreeRTOS is not one it is still bad practice.

Problem 3: You are calling gwinAttachToggle inside the loop. This call only needs to be called once and should not be inside the loop.

The solution to the first two problems is to either specify a (non-zero) timeout and test for NULL, or use TIME_INFINITE for the timeout value. When using TIME_INFINITE geventEventWait will never return NULL.

Solve those problems first and test again.



Thanks for the information.

I modified the code for geventEventWait problem. I put non-zero like this.

void guiEventLoop(void)
	GEvent* pe;
	while (1) {
	// Get an event
		pe = geventEventWait(&glistener, 500 );
					printf("Button clicked\r\n");		//test

Also I moved the gwinAttachToggle  to other place.

void guiCreate(void)
	GWidgetInit wi;

	// Prepare fonts
	dejavu_sans_16 = gdispOpenFont("DejaVuSans16");

	// Prepare images

	// GWIN settings
	gwinSetDefaultStyle(&white, FALSE);

	// Create all the display pages

	// Select the default display page
	gwinAttachToggle(ghButton1, 0, 0);	


After test, I still got same result which white screen happened same as before. Do I miss something?:(

By the way, I check the puTTY.  I saw it can show the "Button clicked" after press the button, so I think the printf in guiEventLoop  executed well.



Hope can give some advice.

Thank you guys.


You still haven't added the test for pe being NULL ie

<code>if (pe && pe->type == GEVENT_GWIN_BUTTON)</code>

What you have currently may be hard faulting because of the lack of the test for NULL. 

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