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When I add geventAttachSource(&glistener, gwinKeyboardGetEventSource(ghKeyboard), GLISTEN_KEYTRANSITIONS|GLISTEN_KEYUP); to my app, the GUI comes up as a black screen after completing the calibration screen. Otherwise, if I remove the geventAttachSource line, everything works fine and I have a working virtual keyboard, but cannot get any events on GEVENT_KEYBOARD or GEVENT_GWIN_KEYBOARD.



Can you please tell us more about your system (what hardware, which compiler, which underlying system, ...) and show us your configuration file (attachment!)?

Also, did you try to use the debugger to figure out what's happening (hard-fault, hang, ...)?


I am running on a Yocto distribution with 3.9 kernel. The hardware is an armv7a Dual CortexA9. The compiler is custom from our hardware vendor. I believe it a Yocto toolchain (/opt/poky/2.1.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-).

Attached is the config file.

I'm not familiar with how to use the debugger. Do you mind pointing me to some documentation on this? Thank you for your help.



Hello Stephen,

Please excuse the late reply... quite busy around here...

I'm glad to hear that you got it working, good work!
Regarding the debugger: This is not something µGFX related. I am talking about your regular program/software debugger which will most likely be GDB.

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