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Examples of programs do not work

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  Hello !  Examples of the GDISP , GWIN (console and base ) are working normally, but  not working and falls GWIN ( button , label etc ) examples My hardware configuration :  STM32F207 board RAW32 , Display  with  ili9341 (spi 240x320 )  . I use only  GDISPdriver  (no GINPUT ) 

For the test I use the example of a program - label  . 

This is my configuration:

#define GFX_USE_OS_RAW32                             TRUE

 #define GFX_OS_HEAP_SIZE                         20000

#define GDISP_NEED_CONTROL                           TRUE


#define GFX_USE_GDISP                                TRUE

#define GDISP_NEED_VALIDATION                        TRUE
#define GDISP_NEED_CLIP                              TRUE
#define GDISP_NEED_TEXT                              TRUE
    //#define GDISP_NEED_ANTIALIAS                     TRUE
    #define GDISP_NEED_UTF8                          TRUE
    #define GDISP_NEED_TEXT_KERNING                  TRUE
#define GFX_USE_GWIN                                 TRUE

#define GWIN_NEED_WINDOWMANAGER                      TRUE

    #define GWIN_NEED_LABEL                          TRUE
        #define GWIN_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE                 TRUE
#define GFX_USE_GEVENT                               TRUE
#define GFX_USE_GTIMER                               TRUE
#define GFX_USE_GQUEUE                               TRUE

#define GQUEUE_NEED_ASYNC                            TRUE
#define GFX_USE_GINPUT                               TRUE
#define GWIN_NEED_WIDGET                             TRUE
#define GDISP_NEED_MULTITHREAD                       TRUE

This compiler output :

../Src/main.c(104): warning:  #550-D: variable "pe" was set but never used

..\ugfx_2.7\src\gwin/gwin_widget.c(102): warning:  #177-D: variable "h" was declared but never referenced

..\ugfx_2.7\src\gwin/gwin_widget.c(103): warning:  #177-D: variable "gh" was declared but never referenced

"LCD Configuration\LCD Configuration.axf" - 0 Error(s), 4 Warning(s).

All of the examples where there is a modules (GINPUT and GListener)  does not work. They do not work because of the lack GINPUT drivers?   I tried to remove from the sample code processing these modules. But still does not work..






Yes GINPUT drivers are required for most gwin objects as they actually interact with the user.

The ones that don't are the base gwin object, the console object and the graph object. All others require a GINPUT driver.

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