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AT32UC3A0512 & SSD1963 question

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I have a the AT32UC3A0512 in combination with the SSD1963 lcd controller. The AT32 has an EBI interface, with this you can controll sdram, static memory and lcd controller like the SSD1963. Now I would like to use the uGFX library to create a GUI and controlling the SSD1963. I use the Atmel Studio as my IDE.

I have included the library and the SSD1963 driver in my source and have setup my EBI interface to get access to the SSD1963. In the documentation reads that a board file needs to be included, where the driver for SSD1963 needs te be access etc,etc. 

Acces EBI interface:

#define AVR32_EBI_CS1_ADDRESS              0xD0000000

define SSD1963_EBI                    (&AVR32_EBI_CS1_ADDRESS)
#define SSD1963_DATA                ((volatile unsigned char *) AVR32_EBI_CS1_ADDRESS)

Where must I include this board file in the source and what must be in it to get the SSD1963 driver to work with my EBI 


Thanks already.


Hello pjwl and welcome to the community!

Each driver defines his own board file. You can find the corresponding board file template in the driver's directory. In your case, copy the following file to your project: /drivers/gdisp/SSD1963/board_SSD1963_template.h and rename it to board_SSD1963.h. Then it's just a matter of filling in the empty functions.
You can have a look at all the existing board file implementations to get an idea how to do that. I can recommend you having a look at this one as it uses the FSMC interface of am STM32 which is very similar to the EBI of an AVR32: /boards/base/Marlin/board_RA8875.h.

You don't have to include the board file manually anywhere. The driver (inside the µGFX library) automatically includes a file named board_xxx.h where xxx is the driver name. All you have to do is making sure that the place where your board file is located is part of the inclusion path for the compiler/linked.

I hope that helps.

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