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2 hours ago, MobileWill said:

Can auto mode worth with a prograss bar with image?

Yes. Rendering routines just change how a widget looks. The logic (the behavior) of the widget remains unchanged


2 hours ago, MobileWill said:

If you use an image does it use multiple to just shows a partial image of a full image like the buttons do?

As the documentation states (http://api.ugfx.org/group___progressbar.html -> Renderings) the image is only used for the active area of the progressbar. The inactive area, the borders/edges and the text are still drawn using regular drawing commands and the currently active widget style.
For a more sophisticated use of images I'd recommend writing your own custom rendering routine which is explained here: http://wiki.ugfx.org/index.php/Creating_a_custom_rendering_routine

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