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[TODO] GWIN Console scroll strange behavior

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I have one console and one slider.

In the main loop, a character is inserted in console. GT1 timer update the slider current position.

With #define GDISP_NEED_SCROLL TRUE defined in gfxconf.h , from time to time I can see a missing character on console, right after console scroll.

If I move slider position fast, I see more lines with missing first character, and sometime touchscreen stop responding, until hardware restart of the board.


#include "gfx.h"

GTimer GT1;
static GHandle ghConsole;
static GHandle ghSlider1;

uint8_t i=0;

void callback1(void* arg) {

static void createWidgets(void) {
GWidgetInit wi;

// Apply some default values for GWIN
wi.customDraw = 0; wi.customParam = 0; wi.customStyle = 0; wi.g.show = TRUE;

// Create the console
wi.g.width = 50; wi.g.height = 200; wi.g.y = 20; wi.g.x = 20;
ghConsole = gwinConsoleCreate(NULL, &wi.g);

// Set the console colors
gwinSetColor(ghConsole, Yellow);
gwinSetBgColor(ghConsole, Black);

// create Slider1
wi.g.width = 50; wi.g.height = 200; wi.g.y = 20; wi.g.x = 100; wi.text = "";
ghSlider1 = gwinSliderCreate(NULL, &wi);

// Clear the console

int main(void) {

// Initialize the uGFX and the underlying system

// Set the widget defaults
gwinSetDefaultStyle(&WhiteWidgetStyle, FALSE);

// Attach the mouse input

// Create the widget

// initialize the timer

//continious mode - callback1() called without any argument every 250ms
gtimerStart(&GT1, callback1, NULL, TRUE, 100);

while (1) {

return 0;

Does anyone can help me to understand what's wrong ?

Kind Regards,



Hello Smd,

It will take some time until I can take care of this. Could you please leave some more information in the meantime:

  • Which µGFX version/git master are you using?
  • What is your hardware setup? (board/MCU, display controller)
  • What compiler are you using? (inc. version)

~ Tectu


I have an idea on what might be going on.

Can you please define GDISP_NEED_CLIP as FALSE in your gfxconf.h file and see if the symptoms continue.

I suspect it is a multi-threading issue with the way that gwin uses the clipping calls.

If the symptoms dissappear i know what needs to be done to fix it properly.

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