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There is now a generic driver for the STM32 built-in LTDC controller.

It currently uses the background layer for drawing operations and doesn't currently use the DMA2D controller available in some STM32 cpu's.

  • 2 weeks later...

in file gdisp_lld_STM32LTDC.c (line 164) there is:

// Enable the LTDC clock

RCC->DCKCFGR1 = (RCC->DCKCFGR1 & ~RCC_DCKCFGR1_PLLSAIDIVR) | (1 << 16); /* /4 */

the compiler gives error on DCKCFGR1 (not found)

to make it working I have to modify the line using DCKCFGR (without 1)


as declared in stm32f4xx.h

an then everything works




What libraries are you using? I downloaded the latest STM32CubeF4 and the file stm32f4xx.h from CMSIS has that define in there. It is the same for the F7 and there it works great for me.

Are you using the old StdPeriph libraries?

Line 67 in: stm32f4xx.h

* @brief STM32 Family
#if !defined (STM32F4)
#define STM32F4
#endif /* STM32F4 */

~ Tectu


Ok. i am with ChibiOS 2.6.8, that's the reason.

I will put this new define in my main.c and then shortly I will move to chibios 3

Thank you for the prompt response


No problem. Thank you for testing!

I hope that you understand that we will not add support for ChibiOS/RT 3.x for new features as ChibiOS/RT 3.x has officially been released and 2.x will no longer be developed actively.

~ Tectu

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