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UGFX+ ecos os


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Hello. I am trying to use ugfx with ecos os on custom board based on stm32f429 controller . I've tried to run examples from GDISP directory,and all works fine.

But when i try to run examples from GWIN an exception happends. I use my own touch driver, but the problem is not in it. Did anybody try to use ecos with ugfx?

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For example, i am trying to run GWIN/slider example. Here is the code from main.c

#include "gfx.h"

static GListener gl;
static GHandle ghSlider1, ghSlider2, ghConsole;

static void createWidgets(void) {
GWidgetInit wi;

// Apply some default values for GWIN
wi.g.show = TRUE;

// create Slider1
wi.g.y = 10; wi.g.x = 10; wi.g.width = gdispGetWidth()-20; wi.g.height = 20; wi.text = "S1";
ghSlider1 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);

// create Slider2
wi.g.y = 40; wi.g.x = 10; wi.g.width = 20; wi.g.height = gdispGetHeight() - 50; wi.text = "S2";
ghSlider2 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);

// Set slider 2 to return extended events
gwinSliderSendExtendedEvents(ghSlider2, TRUE);

// Some options to try
//gwinSliderSetRange(ghSlider1, 0, 70000);
//gwinSliderSetRange(ghSlider2, -4, 4);
//gwinSliderSetRange(ghSlider1, 4, -4);

// Console to display slider events
wi.g.y = 40; wi.g.x = 40; wi.g.width = gdispGetWidth()-50; wi.g.height = gdispGetHeight()-50;
ghConsole = gwinConsoleCreate(0, &wi.g);

void cyg_user_start(void){

GEventGWinSlider * pe;
const char * sAction;

// Initialize the display

// Set the widget defaults
gwinSetDefaultStyle(&WhiteWidgetStyle, FALSE);

// create the widget
gwinSetColor(ghConsole, Green);
gwinSetBgColor(ghConsole, White);

// We want to listen for widget events

while(1) {
// Get an Event (assume it is a slider event)
pe = (GEventGWinSlider *)geventEventWait(&gl, TIME_INFINITE);

switch(pe->type) {
switch(pe->action) {
case GSLIDER_EVENT_SET: sAction = "SET"; break;
case GSLIDER_EVENT_CANCEL: sAction = "CANCEL"; break;
case GSLIDER_EVENT_MOVE: sAction = "MOVE"; break;
case GSLIDER_EVENT_START: sAction = "START"; break;
default: sAction = "????"; break;
gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "Slider %s = %d %s\n", gwinGetText(pe->gwin), pe->position, sAction);

// Oops - not a slider event.

The program can't reach "switch(pe->type)" line. When i suspend debug session, i see, that an exception occured. For example, the program reach "cyg_posix_exception_handler" with exception number 3. I also noticed that exception occured on line 109 in file packages/kernel/current/src/sync/cnt_sem.cxx

        // Allow other threads to run

Maybe i should run ugfx from thread?

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I didn't have that problem when I was tinkering with it but that was a while ago now.

It looks like the ecos scheduler has not been initialised or something similar. Perhaps you can provide more back trace information so we can see the call hierarchy at the point of the exception.

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Is it necessary to call cyg_scheduler_start before gfxInit ? I call gfxInit in cyg_user_start,but cyg_sheduler_start is called after that now.

cyg_start( void )





} // cyg_start()

When i try to call cyg_scheduler_start before gfxInit, the program doesn't reach gfxInit().

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I am hazy on the ecos details, it was a quite a while ago.

The scheduler definitely needs to be started first before calling gfxinit. The details on how to do that I have forgotten.

Essentially ugfx runs as a user thread once the scheduler is started as ugfx needs the multi-threading capabilities of ecos which are not available until the scheduler is started.

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There is a difference between the two. From memory it is something to do with the runtime environment. A quick Google search should show you the difference.

I do know however that the arm "none" compiler is the one you should be using for any embedded work.

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