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Dear sir/madam,

1) We want to run ugfx on yocto embedded linux(version 4.14.73-linux4sam-6.0).We are using ATSAMA5D36 xplained board.Please tell us the ugfx compatibelity with this linux kernel version.

2)We want to integrate following display with ATSAMA5D36,please find the following  link



Please tell us whether this kind of display driver will support by ugfx.

If not please tell us the closest driver to start with that.

Thanks & Regards,



Hello & welcome to the µGFX comunity!

The µGFX library has been designed to be completely agnostic. In the 7 years of its existence we never came across a situation (platform, operating system, compiler, architecture, ...) where µGFX didn't run on.
The library comes with built-in drivers to run on Linux. The "Linux drivers" support X, SDL or direct kernel framebuffer. You can find more information in the documentation (eg. the wiki & API docs).

There is no existing display driver for the ATSAMA5D36.
Which driver is the closest to take as a starting point depends on how the display controller works. µGFX supports all possible display driver models (see the driver docs wiki).
You can find all existing drivers in the /drivers/gdisp directory.

We're happy to help where we can - The more specific questions you ask the further we'll get.

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