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ST7920 and NOKIA LCD 5110 Monochome and Stm32F103CB (128kb, 20kb RAM)

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I plan to use ST7920 128x64 monochrome LCD at Stm32F103CB CPU. Have anybody a positive/negative experience?

20kb RAM and 128kb flash will be enoough for monochrome theme at 128x64 resolution with minimum object at scene?

Also plan use a Lite version a Nokia LCD 5110 (84x84, PCD8544 driver).

Nokia LCD 5110 -

ST7920 - [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-LCD-Board-12864-LCD12864-5V-display-With-Chinese-word-stock-with-backlight-12864-5V/32524858507.html?spm=a2g0v.10010108.1000001.7.633679c7USm51o&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_6_10065_10068_319_10059_10884_317_10887_10696_321_322_10084_453_10083_454_10103_10618_10307_537_536_10902,searchweb201603_59,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=dad4230d-85a9-4e18-a175-eac9eb01639d-0&algo_pvid=dad4230d-85a9-4e18-a175-eac9eb01639d]


The STM32F103 is quite an outdated microcontroller. Any particular reason why you'd be using this model?

µGFX will definitely work in all of those configurations. How much RAM you want to have to work with is of course another discussion (and your personal decision). µGFX can work with very little resources. Having more resources available just enables you to do fancier stuff.


There's currently no driver for the ST7920 display controller that comes with the µGFX library but µGFX is very agnostic: It will work with virtually anything.
There are plenty of existing GDISP drivers (also for monochrome displays) that you can use as examples to implement your ST7920 driver.

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