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PSoC 6 - ILI9341 help please!!!

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Dear uGfx team!

I'm trying to use your PSoC 5LP examples provided in the link below to get it to work with my PSoC 6 platform. So far I couldn't get anything to show up on the screen. I believe the SPI API changed, but I did my best to match up with the board_ILI9341.h file as much as I can. Still nothing shows up. I did check the signal with oscilloscope. This is the signal from the 5LP:


it raises correctly in the mid point of SCK signal.

This is the signal from Psoc 6:


Kinda out sync.

And I'm trying to run this barebone, but the timer and counter component in PSOC 5LP were removed in PSOC 6. So I substituted with a timer counter component same concept.

Can you guys help me to take a look into it?







We don't currently have a PSoC 6 setup available. However, the basics are always the same.
Before you have your SPI peripheral spitting out the expected/correct waveforms there's no much sense digging into µGFX itself.

I'm sure you'll get plenty of good help from people that actually use this platform. All that SPI & timer stuff is generic and not relevant to µGFX itself.


Yes, it is in a working state. Basically, I just changed the SPI function call in ILI9341 header file from your 5LP project. I can upload the picture of it running later on this week for you if that helps.

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