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Atollic TrueSTUDIO "fatal error: gdisp_lld_config.h: No such file or directory" in gdisp.h

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Posted (edited)

First i have imported the whole ugfx folder into the project under the "include" tab under "Path and Symbols".
After that i added the ugfx folder to "Source location".
I added multiple filters.
with ctrl-a I selected everything.
I deselected the src folder with gfx_mk.c and the drivers folder with the gdips and ILI9341.

(here are screen caps from the project folder. The right picture is the same project but I deleted all the other drives, cuz these are 100% not needed and i thought i might help with the multiple gdisp_lld_config.h files)

Edited by Angus Schmaloer
Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Angus Schmaloer said:

After that i added the ugfx folder to "Source location".
I added multiple filters.

From your screenshots it seems that you included all the sources correctly.

21 hours ago, Angus Schmaloer said:

First i have imported the whole ugfx folder into the project under the "include" tab under "Path and Symbols".

Not only the uGFX folder has to be included under "Paths and Sybmols", but also your gdisp driver folder. In your case you need to add the drivers/gdisp/ILI9341 folder to your "Paths and Symbols". This should fix the error.

Edited by cpu20


We fixed it. it was a problem in a atollic truestudio. We included both, but when we later looked under "C/C++ build" --> Settings --> Tool settings, we saw that the directory was only included under "Directories" under the de "C-Compiler" or the "C++-Compiler" (couldn't remember wich one, but under one of those two the directorie was not included under "Directories"). We copied the directory and pasted under the other one, and the error is gone.

Right now i only have the errors:
undefined reference to `gfxMillisecondsToTicks' 
undefined reference to `gfxSystemTicks' .
But i guess i have to provide then myself, cuz the library doesn't know my uC.

So basically my program was that when i added the directory, the directory was not fully added and i had to add it manually.
Hopes this might help other later that run into the same problem.

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