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Everything posted by artem_dmitriev

  1. Hello. I'd like to use hardware acceleration in my project. In the gdisp_lld_STM32F429iDiscovery.c there is two functions: gdisp_lld_fill_area and gdisp_lld_blit_area. Does it support screen rotation?
  2. Thank you.It is what i need.
  3. Hello. Does ugfx has a mechanism for draw primitives,images etc not directly to lcd frame buffer? I'd like to create a vector image in ram,then send created image to the frame buffer.
  4. Hello. I'd like to draw a scheme on the screen by using of different functions like gdispDrawPixel,gdispDrawLine,gdispDrawCircle etc. Does ugfx has scale function (coordinate transformation)? I need to scale created image on the screen.
  5. I use arm-eabi-gcc for compile. Is it ok? Is there a difference between arm-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-gcc?
  6. Is it necessary to call cyg_scheduler_start before gfxInit ? I call gfxInit in cyg_user_start,but cyg_sheduler_start is called after that now. void cyg_start( void ) { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); CYG_REPORT_FUNCARGVOID(); cyg_prestart(); cyg_package_start(); cyg_user_start(); #ifdef CYGPKG_KERNEL Cyg_Scheduler::start(); #endif CYG_REPORT_RETURN(); } // cyg_start() When i try to call cyg_scheduler_start before gfxInit, the program doesn't reach gfxInit().
  7. For example, i am trying to run GWIN/slider example. Here is the code from main.c #include "gfx.h" static GListener gl; static GHandle ghSlider1, ghSlider2, ghConsole; static void createWidgets(void) { GWidgetInit wi; // Apply some default values for GWIN gwinWidgetClearInit(&wi); wi.g.show = TRUE; // create Slider1 wi.g.y = 10; wi.g.x = 10; wi.g.width = gdispGetWidth()-20; wi.g.height = 20; wi.text = "S1"; ghSlider1 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi); // create Slider2 wi.g.y = 40; wi.g.x = 10; wi.g.width = 20; wi.g.height = gdispGetHeight() - 50; wi.text = "S2"; ghSlider2 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi); // Set slider 2 to return extended events gwinSliderSendExtendedEvents(ghSlider2, TRUE); // Some options to try //gwinSliderSetRange(ghSlider1, 0, 70000); //gwinSliderSetRange(ghSlider2, -4, 4); //gwinSliderSetRange(ghSlider1, 4, -4); // Console to display slider events wi.g.y = 40; wi.g.x = 40; wi.g.width = gdispGetWidth()-50; wi.g.height = gdispGetHeight()-50; ghConsole = gwinConsoleCreate(0, &wi.g); } void cyg_user_start(void){ GEventGWinSlider * pe; const char * sAction; // Initialize the display gfxInit(); // Set the widget defaults gwinSetDefaultFont(gdispOpenFont("UI2")); gwinSetDefaultStyle(&WhiteWidgetStyle, FALSE); gdispClear(White); // create the widget createWidgets(); gwinSetColor(ghConsole, Green); gwinSetBgColor(ghConsole, White); gwinClear(ghConsole); // We want to listen for widget events geventListenerInit(&gl); gwinAttachListener(&gl); while(1) { // Get an Event (assume it is a slider event) pe = (GEventGWinSlider *)geventEventWait(&gl, TIME_INFINITE); switch(pe->type) { case GEVENT_GWIN_SLIDER: switch(pe->action) { case GSLIDER_EVENT_SET: sAction = "SET"; break; case GSLIDER_EVENT_CANCEL: sAction = "CANCEL"; break; case GSLIDER_EVENT_MOVE: sAction = "MOVE"; break; case GSLIDER_EVENT_START: sAction = "START"; break; default: sAction = "????"; break; } gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "Slider %s = %d %s\n", gwinGetText(pe->gwin), pe->position, sAction); break; default: // Oops - not a slider event. break; } } } The program can't reach "switch(pe->type)" line. When i suspend debug session, i see, that an exception occured. For example, the program reach "cyg_posix_exception_handler" with exception number 3. I also noticed that exception occured on line 109 in file packages/kernel/current/src/sync/cnt_sem.cxx // Allow other threads to run Cyg_Scheduler::reschedule(); Maybe i should run ugfx from thread?
  8. Hello. I am trying to use ugfx with ecos os on custom board based on stm32f429 controller . I've tried to run examples from GDISP directory,and all works fine. But when i try to run examples from GWIN an exception happends. I use my own touch driver, but the problem is not in it. Did anybody try to use ecos with ugfx?
  9. And another question. I also have to download chibios to build examples? I have never worked with Os. Does a manual exists?
  10. Hi. I'd like to see how ugfx works on stm32f429 discovery board. But i can't find an example for keil ide. Does anybody help me?
  11. Hi everyone! i can't understand,where can i find ecos package? And one more question,is it possible to work with ugfx in Client/Server Mode? i want to connect two arm platforms via spi interface (one client, another-server).
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