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Everything posted by dm13dv1b

  1. First I called the ginoutGetMouse() and within the debugger I copied the string from MouseCondig.caldata after the mysave has been called. This way when the mysave gets called I have the calbuf type const uint8_t* filled with this kind of string: 0x20001c94 "½3\205=÷&\2348KÓcÁu-6:Í\220»½\n\207°Cð\017" I guess this is the calibration data. But when I load it back it does not work. I've tried what you have mentioned, but that way my mysave function never get called: ginputSetMouseCalibrationRoutines(0, mysave, NULL, FALSE); mouse = ginputGetMouse(0);
  2. If I call mouse = ginputGetMouse(0); ginputSetMouseCalibrationRoutines(0, mysave, myload, FALSE); I can save the string like this: "Z,\202=\\\221b¹\037FaÁÅdI:䨹½´>³Cè\017" within the mysave function: static void mysave(uint16_t instance, const uint8_t *calbuf, size_t sz) { (void)instance; (void)calbuf; (void)sz; memcpy(&t_calibration, calbuf, (uint8_t) sz); } and than I got that string. But when I change the order of the two functions and the myload returns that string the touchscreen isn't working.
  3. Hi, how can I convert the calibration values into this format? I have the ax, bx, cx and ay, by, cy as floats.
  4. I checked everything from wiring to board files and it was absolutely my fault No it's working as expected. The FSMC timing was the key. As I see some people use this configuration so I think someone should make an example for this combo (STM32F4Discovery+SSD1289). I'm not a good programmer just a hobbyist so I'm not the perfect man for this But I will put my working project to github. Thank you for your help. Next week I have to change the orientation of the LCD and I will try to get the touch panel working. Have a good weekend
  5. Thank you for your answer! I'll check these!
  6. Dear members! I've some problem with the SSD1289 and the STM32F4Discovery with FSMC. I've double checked the wiring but I guess I have some timing problems. I've made a video: http://youtu.be/TfZJQ1cZm9U After reset it turns darker with some lines. I've checked the lines with a logic analyzer and the data flows. Have you ever seen problem like this? Thank you!
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