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Everything posted by arnonh

  1. Thanks for the crazy fast reply i will look in to it
  2. Hello @Constantine nice progress i am looking forward to see how you managed to add the freertos to the mix
  3. Yes it compiles OK for shure it even uploads and works The errors are only syntax highlights I will try again with chibistudio and chibios Thanks
  4. @Joel BodenmannFirst let me thank you for an out standing project i have been looking at it for years and the progress looks amazing The thing is the project compiles OK and works but i still see red X's all over the place I did try with the ChibiStudio but i am using the stm32f7 and as i understood from other threads in the forum it is not supported in chibios is it possible to use ChibiStudio with stm32 HAL ? By the way here is the screenshot
  5. No i am trying to work with the makefile system The single file inclusion method didnt work at all for me
  6. I have added the ugfx/src folder to the included folders Do i need to add any thing else ?
  7. I am really having a tough time moving from the makefile system to System Workbench for STM32 (Based on Eclipse) i have created an new project with external makefile in SW4STM32 i have the STM32F746G-Discovery and i have managed to compile successfully in SW4STM32 but i still see a lot of error(even thou its compiling ok) probably my project is just not configured properly did anyone managed working with Eclipse (Or SW4STM32)with STM32 Cube HAL and care to maybe share share his base project files?
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