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Everything posted by Florian

  1. Hello, I have a question in order to the evaluation Board STM32F4Disco (STM32F429). The question relates primarily to the built in STM32F429 CortexM4 controller. These CortexM4 has an LCD-TFT-Controller inside. Can I use this controller instead of an external display controller like the SSD1963? What I have to note / to do to use the internal controller of the CortexM4. Is there an example, which I can use? Thank's a lot. Florian
  2. Florian


    In this case we have to use "vTaskSuspend(NULL)" I think. Then the task is not deleted, but sleep forever. Do you think so too? Thanks, Florian
  3. Florian


    Hello again, The problem for me is the "TIME_INFINITE" define. I think that FreeRTOS has not such a functionality. Example of my implementation: void gfxSleepMilliseconds(delaytime_t ms) { switch(ms) { case TIME_IMMEDIATE: taskYIELD(); return; case TIME_INFINITE: vTaskDelay(TIME_INFINITE); return; default: vTaskDelay(ms / portTICK_RATE_MS); return; } } The define TIME_INFINITE in the repository is "#define TIME_INFINITE ((delaytime_t)-1)". I want to use it with my implementation, but in my documents there is no information about an "infinite" wait within the vTaskDelay() function. If you think my implementation is OK then I want to share it (like the version of the gfxSleepMilliseconds() function above). One more question: Function gfxThreadCreate(): Why do you have a for-loop after the call of xTaskCreate() (if the return value is pdTRUE)? Thanks, Florian
  4. Florian


    Hello Tectu, The FreeRTOS example project for my XPresso boards is working well and now I want to add my display (display SSD1963 board and the display) and the µgfx-GUI. Then I want to take a first try with one of the example project from µgfx. Tomorrow I will see the difference between the branch called freertos in the git repository and my at the moment not tested version (Creating started in January). What do you mean with "The only thing that you should have to modify are the delay functions inside the freertos.c file.". One more question: Have you create a HAL for FreeRTOS? Thanks, Florian
  5. Florian


    Hello Tectu, I have a lot of work to do for my job and I have not so many experience in programming, but I am interested in testing the new FreeRTOS port. I have some LPCXpresso boards + TFT-Display + SSD1963-Controller-Board, which I want to use with the µGFX embedded GUI. What I have to do to get the created port for FreeRTOS? Florian
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