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Posts posted by 0xF77E

  1. Hi Joel.

    I'm using serial output. The system is running.

    No uGFX logo. If I would saw that, that would be a big step further. Anyway, I saw that logo on a virtual LCD and then all that interface I have implemented, so the code is working.

    Yes, integration is working as I have put the debugging messages into LCD SPI write calls and all of them are invoking properly.


  2. Hey guys !

    I'm stucking while bringing up my ILI9488-based LCD:

    Here's my codes


    /* board_ILI9488.h */
     * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
     * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
     *              http://ugfx.org/license.html
    #ifndef _GDISP_LLD_BOARD_H
    #define _GDISP_LLD_BOARD_H
    * This code has been compiled mostly from the spi_master_example that is included
    * in the espressif idf under examples/peripherals/spi_master.
    * None of the code has been compiled/tested in this file so expect bugs!
    //#include <stdlib.h>
    //#include <string.h>
    #include "driver/spi_master.h"
    #include "soc/gpio_struct.h"
    #include "driver/gpio.h"
    #include <string.h>
    #define LCD_MOSI  23
    #define LCD_MISO  25
    #define LCD_SCK   19
    #define LCD_CS    22
    #define LCD_DC    21
    #define LCD_RST   18
    #define LCD_BCKL  5
    //To speed up transfers, every SPI transfer sends a bunch of lines. This define specifies how many. More means more memory use,
    //but less overhead for setting up / finishing transfers. Make sure 240 is dividable by this.
    #define PARALLEL_LINES 16
    static spi_device_handle_t spi;
    //This function is called (in irq context!) just before a transmission starts. It will
    //set the D/C line to the value indicated in the user field.
    void lcd_spi_pre_transfer_callback(spi_transaction_t *t)
        int dc=(int)t->user;
        gpio_set_level(LCD_DC, dc);
    static GFXINLINE void init_board(GDisplay *g) {
    	(void) g;
    	spi_bus_config_t buscfg={
    	spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg={
    //			.clock_speed_hz=26*1000*1000,           //Clock out at 26 MHz
    			.mode=0,                                //SPI mode 0
    			.spics_io_num=LCD_CS,                   //CS pin
    			.queue_size=7,                          //We want to be able to queue 7 transactions at a time
    			.pre_cb=lcd_spi_pre_transfer_callback,  //Specify pre-transfer callback to handle D/C line
    	//Initialize the SPI bus
    	spi_bus_initialize(HSPI_HOST, &buscfg, 1);
    	//Attach the LCD to the SPI bus
    	spi_bus_add_device(HSPI_HOST, &devcfg, &spi);
    	//Initialize non-SPI GPIOs
    	gpio_set_direction(LCD_DC, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
    	gpio_set_direction(LCD_RST, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
    	gpio_set_direction(LCD_BCKL, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
    static GFXINLINE void post_init_board(GDisplay *g) {
    	(void) g;
    static GFXINLINE void setpin_reset(GDisplay *g, gBool state) {
    	(void) g;
    	if (state) {
    		gpio_set_level(LCD_RST, 0);
    	} else {
    		gpio_set_level(LCD_RST, 1);
    static GFXINLINE void set_backlight(GDisplay *g, uint8_t percent) {
    	(void) g;
    	if (percent > 0) {
    		  gpio_set_level(LCD_BCKL, 1);
    		} else {
    		  gpio_set_level(LCD_BCKL, 0);
    static GFXINLINE void acquire_bus(GDisplay *g) {
    	(void) g;
    	gpio_set_level(LCD_CS, 0);
    static GFXINLINE void release_bus(GDisplay *g) {
    	(void) g;
    	gpio_set_level(LCD_CS, 1);
    static GFXINLINE void write_index(GDisplay *g, uint16_t index) {
    	(void) g;
    	esp_err_t ret;
    	spi_transaction_t t;
    	memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));       //Zero out the transaction
    	t.length=16;                     //Command is 8 bits
    	t.length=8;                     //Command is 8 bits
    	t.tx_buffer=&index;               //The data is the cmd itself
    	t.user=(void*)0;                //D/C needs to be set to 0
    	ret=spi_device_transmit(spi, &t);  //Transmit!
    	assert(ret==ESP_OK);            //Should have had no issues.
    static GFXINLINE void write_data(GDisplay *g, uint16_t data) {
    	(void) g;
    	esp_err_t ret;
    	spi_transaction_t t;
    	memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));       //Zero out the transaction
    	t.length=16;                     //Command is 8 bits
    	t.length=8;                     //Command is 8 bits
    	t.tx_buffer=&data;               //The data is the cmd itself
    	t.user=(void*)1;                //D/C needs to be set to 0
    	ret=spi_device_transmit(spi, &t);  //Transmit!
    	assert(ret==ESP_OK);            //Should have had no issues.
    static GFXINLINE void setreadmode(GDisplay *g) {
    	(void) g;
    static GFXINLINE void setwritemode(GDisplay *g) {
    	(void) g;
    static GFXINLINE uint16_t read_data(GDisplay *g) {
    	(void) g;
    	return 0;
    #endif /* _GDISP_LLD_BOARD_H */

    This funcs is being called from gdisp_lld_ILI9488.c. I haven't changed it.

    Wiring and SPI communication seems fine, however here's my pinout:
    Pin name ESP32 pin LCD pin
    MOSI 23 27
    MISO 25 28
    SCK 19 24
    CS 22 23
    DC 21 25
    RST 18 21
    BCKL 5 29
    +5V +5V 2
    GND GND 1

    And here's the caller code:

    /* Hello World Example
       This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.)
       Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
       software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
       CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
    #include "freertos/task.h"
    #include "esp_log.h"
    #include "esp_system.h"
    #include "esp_spi_flash.h"
    #include "gfx.h"
    #include "board_ILI9488_template.h"
    #include "driver/spi_master.h"
    #include "soc/gpio_struct.h"
    #include "driver/gpio.h"
    #include <string.h>
    portMUX_TYPE _hack_mux = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED;
    static void taskInit(void* pvParameters)
        gdispDrawLine(50, 50, 100,100,Red);
    void app_main() {
    	xTaskCreate(taskInit, "taskInit", 4096, NULL, 5, NULL);

    All I see is a white screen (ok, backlight works :) ).

    Thanks !

  3. Hello everyone.


    I may not understand the whole workflow, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

    The normal workflow using uGFX-Studio as following: we're dragging/dropping the interface pieces and then generating the result codes.


    My question is about the reverse order: is there's a chance to make a to render on host from the ready codes ?

    I'm not asking about the generation of the uGFX project from C sources, but just rendering of some codes in order not to flash the target every time I've made a changes in a code.


    Thanks !

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