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Everything posted by quipu

  1. quipu


    I implemented a first driver version for UC1638 contoller. Tested on 128x240 custom display and STM32L1xx boad. The work is based on @aeroman UC1610 driver. YouTube link. I hope it can be useful UC1638.7z
  2. quipu

    STM32L1xx UC1610

    @aeroman after your fix seems to work well. Great!
  3. quipu

    STM32L1xx UC1610

    Hi @aeroman, great work. I will Apple your patch and i will let YouTube know asap.
  4. @Joel Bodenmann it seems to work I tested it with the following code GSourceHandle upHandle = ginputGetToggle(GINPUT_TOGGLE_ESC); geventListenerInit(&pl); geventAttachSource(&pl, upHandle, GLISTEN_TOGGLE_ON|GLISTEN_TOGGLE_OFF); while (1) { event = geventEventWait(&pl, 5000); if(event) printf("Pressed\n"); } I have also added the following define in the file ginput_lld_toggle_board.h (attached) Now the big questions: Q1: Can I create a list that I scroll with the UP and DOWN keys? Q2: If yes, when I press the MODE key can I enter another list? Q3: If yes, in the second list, I can go back to the previous one by pressing the ESC key etc. ginput_lld_toggle_board.h
  5. I add for my STM32 board ginput toggle driver. I created a new directory ugfx\drivers\ginput\toggle\STM32_HAL with: ginput_lld_toggle_hal.c ginput_lld_toggle_config.h also, in inc directory I add: ginput_lld_toggle_board.h In gfxconf.h i enable: GFX_USE_GINPUT GINPUT_NEED_TOGGLE GFX_USE_GEVENT GFX_USE_GTIMER How can i test the toggle driver? ginput_lld_toggle_board.h ginput_lld_toggle_hal.c ginput_lld_toggle_config.h
  6. quipu

    STM32L1xx UC1610

    hi @aeroman, ok for the "colors". I applied you workaroud and work well. Great! Thank you. I wait for @Joel Bodenmann to say something to the "first box without base" problem.
  7. quipu

    STM32L1xx UC1610

    Other question. My display is custom, as shown in the attached image (pixels are rectangular). At this link you see the problem. How can I solve? @aeroman, is it possible to configure UC1610 to limit COM number (from 160 to 128 - registers CEN, DST, DEN)? Can the "Window" function help (registers WCP0, WPP0, WCP1, WPP1)? Regards
  8. quipu

    STM32L1xx UC1610

    Hello @aeroman and @Joel Bodenmann. Thanks for support. I followed your directions and now I see something I noticed stange behavior with this code: gdispDrawBox(10, 10, 64, 64, White); /* First box without base*/ gfxSleepMillisecond(1000); gdispDrawBox(0, 0, 128, 128, White); /* Second box: drawn also base of first box ! */ The first box does not have the base. When the second box is drawn, also the base of first box is drawn! You can watch the video at this link. Also how colors are mapped? It is correct that the White is visualized and the Black no. What are Light Gray and Dark Gray?
  9. quipu

    STM32L1xx UC1610

    Hello, I attached the project hoping it could be useful. I used STM32CubeMX and Atollic True Studio. I have a 128x128 custom display with UC1610 via I2C. The display shows the uGFX logduring gfxInit(), but then nothing else. /* Initialize and clear the display */ gfxInit(); // Get the screen size width = gdispGetWidth(); height = gdispGetHeight(); gdispDrawBox(10, 10, width/2, height/2, Black); gdispFillArea(width/2, height/2, width/2-10, height/2-10, Black); gdispDrawLine(5, 30, width-50, height-40, Black); for(i = 5, j = 0; i < width && j < height; i += 7, j += i/20) gdispDrawPixel(i, j, White); /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { gfxSleepMilliseconds(500); } What could be the problem ? How can I debug correctly ? Thanks bye K150_uGFX.zip
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