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Everything posted by AlexMiron31

  1. Never worked with TrueStudio before, but as far as I know it is Eclipse-based. Here is a complete guide how to run uGFX on Eclipse - https://wiki.ugfx.io/index.php/Using_Eclipse The examples are in /demo folder. There are no ready-to-use projects for every IDE. I use Keil IDE and simply copied the code from main.c - it always works for me.
  2. That's quite right, I've just found the problem. It was in my implementation of write_reg() function - it transmitted the address of device and register to access correct, but the transmission of register's value was incorrect so the touch controller wasn't initialized properly. After fixing that the calibration dialog work properly. Joel, inmarket, thanks for your quick and helpful replies!
  3. And one more thing - I can see the data polling on I2C bus using oscilloscope, and the breakpoint on the start of read_xyz() shows that this function is being executed, but it never detects touch. Even if I hold my finger on the screen and run debugging, this function always get into if clause with empty FIFO buffer and never reach the point where the reading of x and y starts.
  4. Hi, Joel, thank you for the answer! I set CPU and compiler as shown below: #define GFX_COMPILER GFX_COMPILER_KEIL #define GFX_CPU GFX_CPU_CORTEX_M4 Unfortunately, I forgot to set heap size (my bad), but when I've set it to #define GFX_OS_HEAP_SIZE 37632 after your answer, nothing changed. The larger values leads to many errors during compiling. Is there something else that could be a problem?
  5. Hi everyone. I'm trying to implement the uGFX library on STM32F429I-DISCO board. My IDE is Keil uVision 5. So far the GDisplay module was attached with setting of back color in LCD and showing the uGFX logo during setup time. I was trying to atach the GInput module, too, but there is some issue I can't resolve. Ater adding this module to the project in configuration file the program begins to run the thread-related sub-routines and never rich the infinite loop inside the main(). I reduced the code there to two strings (toggling on-board LED and delay through gfxSleepMilliseconds()), but it has no influence. However, with GInput switched off the code inside the loop executes pretty fine. Maybe someone would be so kind to explain my mistake? I'll attach the archived project. Many thanks to all who will consider it possible to help me. 15.0.TFT_on_F429.rar
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