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Everything posted by Nikolay

  1. ugfx_2.7\drivers\multiple\Win32\gdisp_lld_Win32.c Only this file fits your description. In this there is function void gfxEmulatorMouseInject(GDisplay *g, uint16_t buttons, coord_t x, coord_t y) But don't example how to use it. In particular how to get GDisplay*g in main. And there is no use of a timer. For example in STEmWin there are function GUI_PID_STATE ts_state = {TSC_data.x, TSC_data.y, TSC_data.touchState, LAYER_0}; GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx(&ts_state); simple and understandable When this function is called, the GUI react
  2. I don't find "MouseTimerJab". I found the function static void GetMouseReading (GMouse * m) but this is "static" and a don't understand how get "GMouse *m" in main
  3. And If I use in my function put_mouse_data_in_ginput() only steps 5...7 from function GetMouseReading()... Will this work?
  4. And I want don't use the timer in function _gmouseInitDriver. Is it possible? Maybe create function like "put_mouse_data_in_ginput"? Sometimes the timer is redundant and spends resources
  5. I have a driver for stmpe811. This is based on using i2c interrupts of stm32 (RXNE, ADDR, SB..). My function reading look as start exchange, wait and handled some interrupts. And at the end I get XY coordinates in interrupt's handler. How can I put this value in gwin? I see stmpe811 driver, but I don't understand how embed my read function, because uGWIN is a initiate gets of coordinates but i need backward.
  6. Hi i'm start to learn this library. For start I try to create gwin project with studio's generated sources. Is it possible use gwin with gdisp and ginput only i.e. without gqueue, gtimer and other?
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