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Everything posted by manoj
Hi, I am planning to to show a random images as screen saver but upon any touch on screen I want to render a page, How can I do the detecting the touch part ?
looking at ..._discovery_sdram.c looks like all the codes related to the SD RAM intialiazation, access etc.. So I don't have to write this right ? since I am trying to use the embedded ram. I will look into the stm32ltdc.. am I correct ?
Hi, i remember I got started with ugfx by using some template project file, But now I am trying to build my own PCB to keep the cost at ultimate low I want to eliminate many external component on STM32f7-Discovery board.. Main concern is I don't know how to make ugfx to only use the internal ram on the MCU it self. Anyone has any idea how to go about this ?
Is there any other virtualkeyboard than the rectangular one.. I was finding for like a dial numeric keypad. Similar to image attached
Is there a way to keep the image open, gdispImageOpenFile(&myImage, "spices.BMP"); gdispImageDraw(&myImage, 0, 0, 480, 272, 0, 0); the image will be closed after the function is completed
that is in your GFILE demo module... maybe U can make the changes in you repo if its wrong....
Hi @Joel Bodenmann and @inmarket is this is a spelling error below at the if condition you spell it as logfile in small cap but then the GFILE object is logFile ? void LogInfo(const char* msg) { GFILE* logFile; logFile = gfileOpen("info.txt", "a"); // Open the file for append if (logfile) { gfileWrite(logFile, msg, strlen(msg)); gfileClose(logFile); // Close the file again } }
hi thanks for reply but do you mind to give some hint, debug for ?.... What should I do when I am doing debugging in stuck into gfxHalt, what should I do after I encounter halt ?
Hii all, I got my fatfs working but when I try sample code it always goes and stuck gfxHalt(), i tried two type gfx.conf but not working First Time : #define GFILE_FATFS_EXTERNAL_LIB TRUE #define GFILE_NEED_NOAUTOMOUNT TRUE #define GFILE_NEED_PRINTG TRUE Second Time : #define GFILE_NEED_FATFS TRUE #define GFILE_NEED_NOAUTOMOUNT TRUE #define GFILE_NEED_PRINTG TRUE Both ways It ugfx FATFS DEMO don't work for me, I am doing wrong anywhere ?
Alright thanks for that. .. I was confused with linker file script.
the value of GFX_OS_HEAP_SIZE is in HEX bytes right, Eg if GFX_OS_HEAP_SIZE == 1000 in gfx.conf then it's around 4KB, Am I correct ?
Hi, thanks for your reply. I will try to fill the heap with known patter and see. and when I set the gfx_os_heap_size does it mean it's dynamically allocated only for ugfx usage and could not conflict with other code section that uses malloc ?.
I see, thanks to pointing it out. Is there anyway to monitor my stack and heap real time ?..... I am using the stm32f7 dis board package, so the uGFX only uses the internal ram during code execution and the external ram only for frame buffer ? am I right ?
hi also found out why my own implementation of keyboard don't work but gwin example worked as mentioned last time is because few defination in ugfx config //#define GEVENT_ASSERT_NO_RESOURCE FALSE //#define GEVENT_MAXIMUM_SIZE 32 //dEFAULT VALUE: 32 //#define GEVENT_MAX_SOURCE_LISTENERS 3 //dEFAULT VALUE: 32 commenting out the three stuff got my gevent listening to my keyboard, do you mind to tell why it happens
Thanks Joel.. Yes cubemx provide one. doing my hello world interface with sd card
Can anyone tell where should I start to use GFILE and interface with FATFS on stm32 sd card ?, more on how to set up the diskio stuff
Oh, I am running on a raw32 bare metal platform, BTW I will try the malloc suppose the std c lib should provide it
Hi, got it working using the demo file but I noticed the keyboard is only displayed on screen if I define below statement, heap size #define GFX_OS_HEAP_SIZE 2000 , mind to tell why ?. BTW how to estimate hw much stack and heap size is required for my uGFX GUI implementation ? .
Sorry, I hope someone will help. I do look at demo/modules/gwin/keyboard. Below is my code I tried but no luck, moreover I try setting breakpoint at few lines related to keyboard it's did not stop anywhere. Which means my key presses are not listened at all. How do I go about is it uGFX config or bugs or etc. Anyone who have done reading char from keyboard event mind to help ? and is my english bad that most of you guys don't understand what I am talking about ? Cheers ! if (((GEventKeyboard*)pe)->bytecount >0) { pk = (GEventKeyboard *)pe; for (int x =0; x < 4; x++) { dynamic_array[x] = (uint8_t)pk->c[x]; dynamic_array[1]++; //gwinPrintf(ghTextedit1, "ERROR"); }
The documentations is quite poor, but I know you are very busy with uGFX dev.. which most likely need to dig down the code to understand what's happening. I am very confused between gwin_keyboard and keyboard.. How do we read a char from gwin_keyboard ? I am only receiving the trigger for GEVENT_GWIN_KEYBOARD in switch statement only when I press return button no reaction when I press characters like a b c d and so on. What I have tried to change the parameter of source attachers geventAttachSource(&glistener, gwinKeyboardGetEventSource(ghKeyboard1),GLISTEN_KEYTRANSITIONS|GLISTEN_KEYUP); GKEYBOARD_ALL_INSTANCES) none of this seems to help me.. I really hope there is a documentations says how to attach the source from gwin_keyboard(virtual) to listener and how to retrieve each character from the virtual keyboard. Can you help me clear this doubt out. I promise I will write a brief explanation a-z for new uGFX comers to use the library with ease. @Joel Bodenmann @inmarket
Hi @Joel Bodenmann, I am having the button and the virtual keyboard in a same page but I want to disable my virtual keyboard event to my button. I want the button to work individually
Even copying your sample code doesnt work, it seems it's not listening to my virtual keyboard at all.. I tried putting break point and test where else for button it was working very well
@Joel Bodenmann Does the code below made sense ? I cast the pe (which is geventWait return ) to a GEventKeyboard but seems I cannot access the byte.. Am I doing anything wrong ? pe = geventEventWait(&glistener,TIME_INFINITE ); switch (pe->type) { { case GEVENT_GWIN_BUTTON: if (((GEventGWinButton*)pe)->gwin == touch_button_df_pg) { gwinDestroy(ghContainerPage0); guiCreate(); //gwinPrintf(ghTextedit1, "fgdfg"); // createPagePage1(); // guiShowPage(1); //(((GEventGWinButton*)pe)->gwin == ghButton1) break; } else if (((GEventGWinButton*)pe)->gwin == ghButton1) // main page { gwinHide(ghContainerPage1); gwinDestroy(ghContainerPage1); createPagePage0(); guiShowPage(0); break; } } break; case GEVENT_GWIN_KEYBOARD || GEVENT_KEYBOARD: { if (((GEventKeyboard*)pe)->bytecount >0) { pk = (GEventKeyboard *)pe; for (int x =0; x < 4; x++) { dynamic_array[x] = (uint8_t)pk->c[x]; dynamic_array[1]++; //gwinPrintf(ghTextedit1, "ERROR"); }
Hi @Joel Bodenmann, but the button should be always in focus to read the input right, if that's the case how do I stop the distribution virtual keyboard events to widgets ?