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  1. Probably in the file gfile_fs_fatfs.c there is a bug, namely in the functions - FatfsExists and fatfsFileSize when the LFN option is enabled. This was tested on the Nucleo F401RE board without the OS. Sometimes when you call fatfsExists or fatfsFileSize, HARDFAULT appears. Analysis of the execution of the program code showed that inside the FATFS library There is a call to the uninitialized pointer fno.lfname. Therefore, in the functions - fatfsExists and fatfsFileSize it is enough to add this code: #if _USE_LFN Fno.lfname = 0; Fno.lfsize = 0; #endif If I'm wrong somewhere, then correct me. Thank you in advance!
  2. Thanks for the advice. I will do according to the method 2.
  3. How to trace a short or long press on the button widget? (use touchscreen).
  4. Serg_pr

    Fonts in FLASH

    Thanks for the answer, and it is very sad. My board has little memory. I can use a buffer for fonts? But it is better to use a flash memory (it is addressable, but to access the data required reading function - pgm_read_byte(...) ... pgm_read_block(...) Push me in the right direction. (and sorry for my english)
  5. Serg_pr

    Fonts in FLASH

    How to use fonts stored on external memory. For example, in ROMFS. Is it possible at all?
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