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Everything posted by spectre

  1. Hi Mr. Joel Bodenmann, good new year Thanks Sir as always, I will show you my progress soon Spectre
  2. Dear friends, I am trying to display a string with the ° degree symbol, but it doesn't show me the symbol. I am using the DejaVuSans12_aa font. thanks in advance, Spectre
  3. Mr. Joel, now pixmaps mechanism now works correctly. As you suggested I will load the virtual display inside of the external sram. I have an 8Mbit ext.sdram and a 400x240 rgb tft, so I suppose that I will use near half of the space for the virtual display, and the rest for bmp icons,etc.. What you think? regards, Spectre
  4. Mr. Joel, Thanks a lot for your detailed guide,very exhaustive. I will choose the third choice you proposed, the pixmaps. it looks like a very smart way to do the things. ugfx_2.6\demos\modules\gdisp\pixmap but when I enable the GDISP_NEED_PIXMAP define as TRUE I get some errors like the following: ../../App/Drivers/tft/ugfx_2.6/src/gdisp/gdisp_pixmap.c(85): error: #20: identifier "GDISPVMT_pixmap" is undefined ../../App/Drivers/tft/ugfx_2.6/src/gdisp/gdisp_pixmap.c(115): error: #20: identifier "LLDSPEC" is undefined etc. I've found on the forum someone talking about the same issue but I really don't understand what pratically I have to do to fix this small issue. Can you give me a help? Thanks a lot
  5. Dear friends, I'm here to ask you a suggestion about the most used way to take advantage of an external SDRAM. my target mcu is an STM32F103 with FSMC interfaced with a tft lcd controller on a side and the other FSMC interfaced with an external SDRAM. the gui is already working,and now I want to add some images(custom icons, etc). I've already tried to load static images from the internal flash and it works perfectly. The demoboard I'm using has an external 8Mbit SRAM and an SD card reader. now I have 3 ways: 1) Use all the external SDRAM totally as HEAP and STACK transparently to the mcu. 2) Use the external SDRAM as area where load my images from the SD card at the power on. 3) other ideas? usually what is better to do? what do you usually do in such situation? I don't have to put movies or something like that, but just static images, custom icons.loaded when needed by the gui. Thanks to everybody for the opinion, Regards, Spectre
  6. Thanks again Sir for your detailed reply. I have to investigate on the stack size declaration on the freertos.. I've read somewhere that the "#define configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE 128" inside of the freertos configuration must be declared as words and not bytes. (so value x4 = stack bytes). May be I'm wrong. I have an external SRAM attached to this custom demoboard and I want to try it. I think I have to understand the way to load the image from the external sram instead of the internal sram. thanks sir,now I am abusing of you Regards, Spectre
  7. Yes Sir, Solved. heap size of freertos increased Thanks a lot! have a nice weekend Spectre
  8. Dear Sir, thanks for your fast reply.Really appreciated. I am using an stm32 with 64kb of ram, and I've tried the gdisp/image example with a simple main.c file and the bmp issued with the demo and it works. now I am trying to do the same inside of a freertos task and I get this error. the suggestion above applies also with a freertos implementation? Thanks again and sorry for such newbie questions Spectre
  9. Dear friends, I have a bmp picture in the flash of the microcontroller, when I call gdispImageOpenFile(&myImage, "myImage.bmp"); and I receive the error 0x0004 (GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_UNRECOVERABLE + GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_NOMEMORY) it means that: -the function tries to load the picture inside of the stack area then decode it and the ram to allocate the picture is not enough? or -it means that the function tried to decode the picture allocating the decoder code in ram and the ram is not enough for the decoder only I have available an "external ram" on my testhardware, actually not used,but before to use it I have to understand what's goin on thanks Spectre
  10. I also agree that uGFX is a great library.
  11. Dear Sir, thanks for your exhaustive answer, the problem is that I don't know the way to "create the function that generates the button pressed-event". I've succeeded increment and decrement a progress bar, but simulate the button press is a bit difficult to me. Can you write me down a simple example? it will be really appreciated, thanks, Spectre
  12. Dear friends, as newbie I've created a simple gui with a simple button for my mcu + tft board using the uGFX studio 0.15 So I have my ghButton1 widget in the gui.c. I want to simulate a button press/release using a boolean variable: so my application can simulate a push/release of the button on the screen. can you give me a simple hint or some example code to simulate a press/release ? thanks in advance Spectre
  13. Solved, multiple inclusions issue Thanks Sir, Spectre
  14. Dear Friends, I am using ugfx primitives and it works. Now I want to start to use some widgets. As newbie, I want to use a simple Label widget: so I am following the API guide: http://api.ugfx.io/group___label.html As specified,I've enabled the following defines in the gfxconf.h file: GFX_USE_GDISP TRUE GFX_USE_GWIN TRUE GDISP_NEED_TEXT TRUE GWIN_NEED_LABEL TRUE A font(already tested) Then in my main.c I have to include,as specified, the following: #include "gdisp.h" #include "gfx.h" Up to this step the compiler gives me NO errors. Now I am ready to start to write the code to visualize my label, so I write in my main.c globals: static GHandle ghLabel1; At this point the compiler tell me the following error: identifier "GHandle" is undefined What I forgot to do? Am I missing to include something? thanks in advance to everybody. Regards, Spectre
  15. Dear Sir Bodenmann, you are right! I've seen now the table header.. thanks a lot. Regards, Spectre
  16. Thank you Mr. Bodenmann! I've seen that table on the SSD1963 datasheet: about the 16bpp565 mode, writing two bytes with a 8 bit bus ,also If I put a simple 0xFFFF(white) or a simple 0x0000(black) I see wrong colors. I am using the write16 function as the first post I've submitted. Is a strange problem.. If you have any suggestion it will be appreciated :-) Seems that If I write two bytes consecutively to set the color on the 8 bit bus the controller expect to read from a 16 bit bus.. I've tried the same driver with a 16bit bus tft module and It works. For now I've solved with the rgb888 but it is a bit slow for my application.. if you have any hint it will be appreciated. The code is exacly the one posted above. nothing more/nothing less :-) thanks in advance, regards, Spectre
  17. Dear friends, may be that the 16bpp_565 mode is not possible on the SSD1963 controller if the data bus is 8-bit only, (also shifting the values) For now I've solved using the rgb888 mode transmitting 3 bytes. Slower, but at least it works. If someone had a similar issue please write to me a reply. Thanks in advance, Spectre p.s. meanwhile thanks to Mr inmarket and cheater for the quick answers
  18. Dear friends, I am just looking at the ugfx bootscreen and the black default background is orange , not black. To put the two bytes on the gdisp_lld_write_color o function I use the default write_data16 :so I suppose that the order is correct. I really don't understand the reason as the ssd1963 is correctly configured to 16bpp 565 mode. Awaiting your kind reply, Spectre PS thanks Mr cheater,but I need the 16bpp565 for speed needs. The 3bytes solution sadly is too slow on my mcu.
  19. Hello friends, I am driving a 320x240 color tft with the SSD1963 on board controller and a 8-bit only bus interface. It works, but the colors are weird: I am using the default 16BPP_565 pixel data format (I don't want to use the rgb888 mode to solve the issue,is too slow). I have done the following modification WITHOUT success: on the file gdisp_lld_SSD1963.c I have modified the following function as below: LLDSPEC void gdisp_lld_write_color(GDisplay *g) { //write_data(g, gdispColor2Native(g->p.color)); old function call write_data16(g, gdispColor2Native(g->p.color)); new function call } In the way above when I have to write a 16bbp_565 color the function write_data16 splits the word into 2 bytes(in order to work with a 8-bit data bus). But I still continue to see wrong colors. Looks like that nothing is changed. Awaiting your kind reply, thanks! Spectre P.S. the function write_data16 is embedded with the ugfx library
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