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Everything posted by ronan_rt

  1. So I was "using" CMSIS. Then I saw in several posts here in community that people might use NON OS to compile. Even because I added CMSIS in my keil project and my system just didnt work! So, Ive attached the image of what happened. I removed CMSIS from my project, commented the line that define the OS, and No success. Sorry about bunch of questions, trying to make this work like a charm. Cheers!
  2. Yes! I have one of this, but SPI of the HAL is not like other libraries. The problem will be the receiver (RA8875) but Ill make it work . I want to ask you something: the OS that I have to use, what would it be? OS_KEIL? OS_CMSIS? FREE RTOS??? cheers friend!
  3. Hello friends! Now I could compile! Ill try to implement drivers now, i think this is the hard part. Because I dont know if my TFT display is working. I plug VCC in VSS like a fool. I dont know now if RA8875 has some protection and if it is burned. Ill update here
  4. Hello!! Fair enough!! I'll read everything about it. Regardless, im having this compilling error now. See the attach. What could it be? Some bad configuration??
  5. Hello Joel! So, I compiled the example and everything went well. Now Im trying to paste the lines of C code before create some screen at uGfx studio. I import all driver files (ra8875) too. So..Where my driver calls some function to WRITE SPI commands? Where do I manage this functions? I can see the writereg, writedata, writeindex in the gdisp_lld_RA8875.c file but i couldnt find the functions that uses SPI of my STM32. Cheers!!!
  6. oh!! I didnt see this guide! Ill try and post my results (or my issue) here after that ok? Thank you very much!
  7. Hello Joel! Sorry for late response! Now I finally set up my environment. Im using KEIL MDK5 to compile my stuff. I generated all the code with CubeMX. Excluded Eclipse from my life hehehehe. Now I still having problem to work with my tft dissplay, controlled with RA8875. Can you help me? Cheers!
  8. Good day! im newbie at UGFX. I want to know how can we manage to show imagens on my tft 4.3" screen through SPI? (driver RA8875). Im using STM32F103CBT6 and compiling with Eclipse Mars. Im not sure how to implement all the libraries to work in my display, such as showing images through SPI. Regards,
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