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Everything posted by ibelimb

  1. I commented out the lines as suggested and the problem persisted so I did some more research and it appears these boards come with two different LCD's, one which uses a ILI9320, and one which uses the ILI9325. Switched to the ILI9320 and everything works perfectly now. Thank you for the help!
  2. Hello, I am working on uGFX on a STM3240G-EVAL with ILI9325 LCD driver (I did have to modify the driver init registers to get the screen to work properly). I now have the screen working but using gdispFillCircle does not draw properly (regular circles render fine). Is there any reason why this would happen? Corrupted filled circle: http://i.imgur.com/X9hQ3f2.jpg Correctly rendered circle: http://i.imgur.com/2FNNpAL.jpg Thanks, Kenneth
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