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Everything posted by Sillvers

  1. Hi again Tectu, nice to meet you again So, I assumed that it would be quicker to find problem than prepare my code for you I found problem - in my case I need to change the image of the progressbar from time to time and keep this image till some event occured. When I call gwinProgressbarDraw_Image() function image is change but in structure GWidgetObject I have still fnParam variable filled with old image - and that is the point, because gwinProgressbarSetPosition are using this variable. Thanks for motivation to work
  2. Hi again, I'm trying to change the image that fills progressbar, but I have met small inconvenience. Start configuration of progressbar: wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = 340; wi.g.y = 40; wi.g.width = 120; wi.g.height = 190; wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage0; wi.text = ""; wi.customDraw = gwinProgressbarDraw_Image; wi.customParam = &slider_1_greyimg; wi.customStyle = &BlackWidgetStyle; ghProgressbar1 = gwinProgressbarCreate(0, &wi); gwinProgressbarSetRange(ghProgressbar1, 0, 190); gwinProgressbarSetPosition(ghProgressbar1, 90); During system working I change image with function - gwinProgressbarDraw_Image(ghProgressbar1, (void*)&slider_1_greyimg). I see that image was changed, but when the position of the progressbar is changing, progressbar is fill with previous image. What's missing in my code?
  3. Thanks Tectu, I achieved satisfactory result by using gwinContainerDraw_Image() as Tectu mentioned in last post. Now, background of my container is image and in that way I don't have blinking black color during container redrawing. I don't have to change the look of image in container background so that is enough good solution for me - I'm changing only the object in foreground of containter. I wasn't able to paint image on image cause I opened two times one of the table which containes image and that spoils my code. Once more again I see that this library is good compatition for more expensive graphic libraries. Last my question in this post - Have you done some speed tests or maybe some benchmark of your library? Where can I find the results of this benchmarks if there are any?
  4. Ok, I will try that. But still I don't understand why I can't write such code like: // create image widget: ghImagebox1bg wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = 250; wi.g.y = 40; wi.g.width = 90; wi.g.height = 190; wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage0; ghImagebox1bg = gwinImageCreate(0, &wi.g); gwinImageOpenMemory(ghImagebox1bg, itab_slider_2bg); // create image widget: ghImagebox1 wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = 250; // ghContainerPage0 wi.g.y = 40; // ghContainerPage0 wi.g.width = 90; wi.g.height = 190; wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage0; ghImagebox1 = gwinImageCreate(0, &wi.g); gwinImageOpenMemory(ghImagebox1, itab_slider_2); The effect of executing this code is white area in the place described by wi structure. Did I miss something? (some ugfx configuration macro)
  5. Thanks for answer I tryed to use gwinMove but the effect is simillar - still I have to redraw whole container to delete old object from old position. I'm working with STM32f7-discovery. For now I haven't yet written any widget to solve my problem - but I hope that I will have enough time to do that. During my fight I met another case that I don't understand. So, I inset a part of code and the question to that is - Why instead of show ghImagebox1 I have white area in this place? wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = 250; wi.g.y = 40; wi.g.width = 90; wi.g.height = 190; wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage0; ghImagebox1bg = gwinImageCreate(0, &wi.g); gwinImageOpenMemory(ghImagebox1bg, itab_slider_2bg); // create container widget: ghContainer1 wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = 250; wi.g.y = 40; wi.g.width = 90; wi.g.height = 190; wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage0; wi.text = "Container1"; wi.customDraw = 0; wi.customParam = 0; wi.customStyle = 0; ghContainer1 = gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER); // create image widget: ghImagebox1 wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = 0; //250; - ghContainerPage0 wi.g.y = 0; //40; - ghContainerPage0 wi.g.width = 90; wi.g.height = 190; wi.g.parent = ghContainer1; ghImagebox1 = gwinImageCreate(0, &wi.g); gwinImageOpenMemory(ghImagebox1, itab_slider_2);
  6. I forgot to add that the background of this moving object is image
  7. Hi again, I struggle with the procedure of redrawing object:(. I'd like to write gui with element which can be move within the area of defined container. Currently I wrote that using function gwinRedraw((GHandle)ghContainer), but the effect isn't satisfactory, because whole container is blinking during redrawing procedure. Is there any other way to redraw element in diffrent place without necessity of redraw whole container?
  8. Hi, I'm trying to change text of the Button during system working. Unfortunately this action isn't clear for me, cause I can't find any field in GHandle structure which is connected to text variable. Where do I have to look for field responsible for text in button?
  9. The folder that was missed - gmouse_lld_FT5336.c Now mouse in this project works - yupi
  10. Hi again, I achieved small success and compiled correctly mandelbrot project on AC6 IDE with stm32f7-discovery. Next step was stm32f7-discovery example project and in this project I have problem with error: undefined reference to `GMOUSEVMT_OnlyOne'. I added in project such files like: - gfxconf (configuration from Tectu example), - gmouse_lld_FT5336_board.h, - and drivers for STM32LTDC. What do I miss in my project?
  11. Ok. I have found the solution - the problem was in the structure of the ufgx folders. For example: in STM32LTDC folder we have file driver.mk GFXINC += $(GFXLIB)/drivers/gdisp/STM32LTDC GFXSRC += $(GFXLIB)/drivers/gdisp/STM32LTDC/gdisp_lld_STM32LTDC.c Problem is that we don't have /drivers/gdisp/STM32LTDC location but only /gdisp/STM32LTDC. There are a few more similar mistakes in this library.
  12. Hi, I'm starting working with uGFX and at the start I have problem with compilation of stm32f746_discovery example project. GCC that I use is 4.9 2015q1 and I work on Windows 8.1 with EmBitz 0.42. In main project EmBlitz can't find file stm32f7xx_hal.h - how to set proper PATH for STM32F7xx_HAL_Drover in Em:Blitz?
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