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Everything posted by baev_al

  1. The problem with Hard Fault is solved. I used gdispGxxxx function - so I needed to create an GDisplay variable - and that caused a problem. I changed the function to gdispXxxx. Now I have another problem. In gfxconfig.h I defined #define GDISP_HARDWARE_DRAWPIXEL TRUE I added the function to the .c driver file #if GDISP_HARDWARE_DRAWPIXEL LLDSPEC void gdisp_lld_draw_pixel(GDisplay *g) { LcdSendCommand(ST7735_CASET); LcdSendData(0x00); LcdSendData(g->p.x); LcdSendCommand(ST7735_RASET); LcdSendData(0x00); LcdSendData(g->p.y); LcdSendCommand(ST7735_RAMWR); LcdSendData(g->p.color); } #endif But I never get here. Stepping through the code showed that in this part of the code (gdisp.c) static GFXINLINE void drawpixel(GDisplay *g) { // Best is hardware accelerated pixel draw #if GDISP_HARDWARE_DRAWPIXEL #if GDISP_HARDWARE_DRAWPIXEL == HARDWARE_AUTODETECT if (gvmt(g)->pixel) #endif { gdisp_lld_draw_pixel(g); return; } when I try to step into gdisp_lld_pixel(g) the program just steps over...
  2. Thank you for your support. I'am using a display with ST7735S driver. It seems there is no support for it yet. As an example I took SSD1289 driver. Am I right that my task is to make work the following functions (which use the functions communicating with hardware): set_cursor(GDisplay *g) set_viewport(GDisplay* g) gdisp_lld_init(GDisplay *g) Where is exactly the function sending the data to the LCD? Should I deal with dummy_read(g)? I added functions sending data and commands to board_ST7735S.h file as well as LLDSPEC void gdisp_lld_draw_pixel(GDisplay *g). Here is the part of the main() function: gfxInit(); gdispGDrawLine(g, 0,0, 128, 128, 0xFF); When I step throug the last function I achieve Hard Fault when the programm tries to reach drawpixel(g) in gdisp.c. What did I do wrong?
  3. Hello. I'm just started to quest through the uGFX. Does it make sence to use it with the attached schematic? I made the lcd work sending commands vis SPI. It seems I need to form this into driver... Can you please advise me what part of the documentation should I read? Thanks
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