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Hi, i am also faced to the same error. Have tried ssh and https protocols. Both are not working ( Also it seems, that GUI of git.ugfx.io is broken too.
Wow! Really time is big spiral 10 years ago, i've created the map software with tile engine for popular in that times Symbian phones - http://my-symbian.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=22983&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 There was CPU arm9 with 150-200Mhz clock freq, and it was enough for smooth decoding png/jpg tiles, then rendering them in real time and smooth scrolling. Therefore, your project have good chances too success - STM32F469i has a better performance and more RAM, than that old smartphones. So, if you have any questions about tile map engine - you are welcome to ask it here, i'll try to help
I have just made pull request with ST7735 driver. Also i have made separate pull request with ILI9225 driver
Unfortunately i've broke my board with ST7735, and right now can't continue test it. Last time, when i seen it, driver was working fine and stable and seems usefull for 99% cases. But pixel reading and power control still not implemented So, i can make right now pull request with current version. When i'll repair board, i can make additional request with pixel reading and power control.
Hi Joel, Thank you for feedback. I am also happy to hear it Yes, i am planning to selling hardware, and even already started production of first small test batch. My manufacturer is promising, what it will be ready in ~4 weeks. Pls be patient Right now there few prototype boards, which i have assembled myself. IoT is just modern word, which actually can be replaced with classic "embedded device with internet connectivity". You right, STM32F405RGT6 is in the same package (and even probably can be used without pcb changes) - but it's more expensive. The price difference between STM32F105 and STM32F405 is $5. $5 is ~%15 of total device cost. It is pretty significant. Yes, Cortex M4 is 3x more powerful, and have more memory, but in my device architecture the STM32 is co-processor, which role is handle peripherals and audio encoding/decoding. Cortex M3 performance is enough for this tasks. Btw, user applications and uGFX are running on ESP8266, which is 160Mhz clocked (~200DMIPS - which is near with STM32F405 performance), and have 4Mb of flash. Main difficult is in environment setup, and planning application architecture. So, if uGFX studio will offer some applications templates (e.g. like my sample), then it will be easy for any users to do that ) Agree! I am wating for it
Hi, At the end of 2014, then esp8266 has been just arrived, i decided to make universal IoT device with speech recognition, speaker, screen and set of another useful peripherals It's core is esp8266 - very cheap SoC with built-in WiFi and very strong community support. I hope, you knows about it. Unfortunately esp8266 has few pins and ports, so it's need an companion MCU for peripherals handling, and i got stm32f105rbt8 for this purposes. As final stage of development i looked to GUI library. I have tried big set of alternatives, but finally found, that uGFX is the best one Here is some videos. All GUI of sample was created and edited with uGFX studio, and is working in Arduino-esp8266 environment without any "hands" editing of uGFX Studio generated c/h files. It's big advantage: Possible to edit GUI at any time in uGFX studio, then just press "Generate" button in uGFX studio, then simple rebuild&deploy project, and see GUI changes. True WYSWYG Here is github repo with sample project. https://github.com/wiieva/examples/tree/master/wiieva-intro Schematics are here: https://github.com/wiieva/schematics
Here is some suggestion: 1. SDL Driver requires os preinitialization staff. So: 1.1 Check, that makefile contains: GFX_OS_PRE_INIT_FUNCTION=sdl_driver_init 1.2 Make sure, that function sdl_driver_init really called. Just add fprintf to stderr in begining of sdl_driver_init I do not have beaglebone, and can't test it myself. BTW, Google find next topics: http://forums.libsdl.org/viewtopic.php?p=43982&sid=c7877958a1b5e386fdaabcec36f6b8da http://forums.libsdl.org/viewtopic.php?p=43940&sid=05d81b018757f5170e952f34c2e7cf2a There are posts there, that SDL2 does not support BBB. Can't confirm or disconfirm this. It's sad. For example SDL2 and uGFX SDL2 driver is working very well on RPI 2.
sdl-config is tool which prints CFLAGS needed by project for building and linking on host environment. It's working only for host build. For cross compiling you have to replace sdl-config with CFLAGS += `<platform-tripple>-pkg-config sdl2 --cflags --libs` Or just manually add necessary flags CFLAGS += D_THREAD_SAFE -I<bb_userland_path>/include/SDL2 -L<bb_userland>/lib -lSDL2 All paths are for local machine, do not carry about files placement on target machine, while building. Just give compiler chance to find them to build binary On target machine only.so files needed. Usually can be located in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib
Actually current problem was - the flicker. When i look to the display from some angles - image is flickering. Finally found the solution - increase refresh rate in normal mode. It seems - flicker is disappeared.
Right now i just copied init sequence from adafruit, and i am not very happy with image quality. Of course display is cheap, but may be it is possible to improve it (e.g. refresh rate, voltage settings, or smth else). Will deep read st7735 datasheet
Hi, I've just wrote uGFX ST7735 driver for my board. https://git.ugfx.io/olegator77/uGFX/src/master/drivers/gdisp/ST7735 It is basically working (at least with my ST7735 display). It seems, that on market number of slightly different modifications of ST7735, therefore may be necessary to adjust driver settings. RIght now this driver not support power control and reading back.