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Everything posted by cpu20

  1. @Joel Bodenmann: To continue on the incompatibility topic of these two components, I have been trying to compile the latest ugfx and chibios taken from the respective git page together. I made a new makefile for it based on the chibios_3 one. As many things have changed in the repo's it doesn't work out of the box. Now I get this compiler error: ../../ChibiOS/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/chcoreasm_v7m.S:37:23: fatal error: chlicense.h: File or folder does not exist The only problem is the file is included in my INCPATH and when including it in my .c files it works. But for some reason it does not work for the assembler file. Do I need to separately include it for the assembler files? Edit: In case someone is interested in the makefile it's included here os_chibios_git.mk
  2. Setting the GDISP_STARTUP_COLOR didn't change anything. Drawing also still doesn't work. Something I noticed is that when using the raw32 project, before executing the gdisp_lld_init function it enters a mutex. When using chibios this isn't implemented. Could this cause any trouble?
  3. Update: The screen does not go blank, it goes black/grey. The backlight is still on, I only did not really see a difference between on and off with the daylight. Back to searching for other issues.
  4. Hello, I have read multiple threads about the problems with the stm32f7-disco and chibios. Now I am trying to do some basic debugging to see where I can help. First of all I tried rewriting the board_STM32LTDC.h file to initialize the pins with the PAL functions from chibios. But when I debug the program now the pins are initialized, and the LCD is turned on (white screen). But after that the gfxInit routine initializes the LTDC controller. From the moment the LTDCEN bit goes high the display goes off (blank screen no backlight) and doesn't want to turn on again. Any idea what could be the cause of this? I have no idea... Thanks for all your hard work with this library btw!
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