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Hi nquantum, I remember having a similar issue with offsets from 0,0 when I was implementing my project. If I remember correctly I had to change something in the gdisp_lld_STM32LTDC.c file: specifically, inside the _ltdc_init function: // Enable the LTDC clock #if defined(STM32F469xx) RCC->DCKCFGR = (RCC->DCKCFGR & ~RCC_DCKCFGR_PLLSAIDIVR); #elif defined(STM32F4) || defined(STM32F429_439xx) || defined(STM32F429xx) RCC->DCKCFGR = (RCC->DCKCFGR & ~RCC_DCKCFGR_PLLSAIDIVR) | (1 << 16); #elif defined(STM32F7) || defined(STM32F746xx) RCC->DCKCFGR1 = (RCC->DCKCFGR1 & ~RCC_DCKCFGR1_PLLSAIDIVR) | (1 << 16); #else #error STM32LTDC driver not implemented for your platform #endif I added the define part for STM32F469xx and I believe that fixed the offset, or at least it was the first step at getting the offset removed. Hope this helps, Maytham
Hello Joel, Great, thank you, I will look forward to seeing official support for the board. I did actually end up increasing the heapsize in the config file after my last post and I managed to get the PNG images displayed on the screen, it was a bit slow, so I am looking into different ways where I can speed the process up. Regards,
Hey, So, I managed to get the display and touch screen working (I will assume it is not optimal and will keep thinking of a way to do it better). I attached my board_STM32LTDC.h and gmouse_lld_FT6x06_board.h files (I tried doing pure I2C calls for the gmouse file, but there were some issues where it just kept thinking I am touching when I am not actually doing anything. The board_STM32LTDC.h file I implemented does whatever inakto had with the BSP_LCD_InitEx, however, since you already had the (sync, back and front porch already implemented, I took that out and I made sure that your function _ltdc_init happens in the right order. The values for (static const ltdcConfig driverCfg) I took from the BSP_LCD settings. gdisp_lld_STM32LTDC.c file: I added inside static void _ltdc_init(void): (this was causing the shift in the display) // Enable the LTDC clock #if defined(STM32F469xx) RCC->DCKCFGR = (RCC->DCKCFGR & ~RCC_DCKCFGR_PLLSAIDIVR); gmouse_lld_FT6x06.c file: I commented out the aquire_bus and release_bus calls (I didn't see a need for them even when using I2C): I added breaks inside the [static bool_t read_xyz(GMouse* m, GMouseReading* pdr)] function for the GDISP_ROTATE_0 and the GDISP_ROTATE_90 case; The function was treating the GDISP_ROTATE_0 case as a GDISP_ROTATE_180 without the break and the touches were not registering correctly. I attempted to get PNG images displayed and I am getting a GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_NOMEMORY error, I still need to look into it to figure things out, however, I am able to display BMP images nicely without any loss in the image quality (at least for my eyes) Let me know if what I did in these files is correct or if you have any comments on how I can improve it. Regards, board_STM32LTDC.h gmouse_lld_FT6x06_board.h gmouse_lld_FT6x06.c gdisp_lld_STM32LTDC.c
Hello Joel, I am attempting to do the board files for the STM32F469 board. I took what inakto had and it was working ok (he had ugfx2.5). I just updated to the latest ugfx and I am rewriting the board implementation (this time trying to follow what you guys recommend). I have the FT6x06 files with the I2C part done, and my screen touches get registered, however, I am still struggling with the board_STM32LTDC.h file. I have attached a picture of what the calibration page looks like with my current implementation of the board file and the FT6x06 files, as it is shown in the file, the calibration page is shifted (my actual windows are also shifted if I do self calibration). Any recommendations on what I should try? Regards, Maytham
Hi Joel, In terms of troubles with the custom rendering, I just don't really know what I am doing, still learning stuff. In terms of the LST_VERT_PAD, yes, I figured it is only adding vertical padding to each item. But this is pretty much all I need. I wanted to increase the padding without the need to increase the font size, and this solution is all I need for my initial question. Will ask specific questions about the rendering when/if I end up doing it!!! Regards,
Hi Joel, Thank you for the reply. I looked into the custom rendering routine and had trouble with it. However, I figured that by changing the LST_VERT_PAD value in the gwin_list.c file I can increase the height each item in the list is allocated and keep everything else as is, since the list provides everything I need, creating another widget is also not needed. For now, I believe this gets what I needed to do, if I find issues with it, I will resort back to custom rendering. Regards,
Hello, I am working on something that requires a menu and I decided to use a list for it instead of just buttons. The question is how can I change the dimensions of the items in the list (specifically speaking; height). Basically I have allocated a height H to the list, I have 3 items in the list and I want their total height to equal H without the need to increase the font size of the text (since that will make the text go wider than the width I have assigned the list). Any idea how I can go about getting that to work out? Thank you, Maytham
Hi, I see inakto has somewhat of a working STM32F469 board with uGFX. Any news on when the official support for the board will be available? I am pretty much a noob and don't really know what I am doing to get things working without official support!!!! Thank you,