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Everything posted by tupak

  1. Hi! I have a GUI with a TextEdit and Virtual Keyboard, and I want, for example, change of screen when I press the "Intro" key. Something, like this: while (TRUE) { // Get an event pe = geventEventWait(&gl, TIME_INFINITE); switch(pe->type) { case GEVENT_GWIN_BUTTON: ... break; case GEVENT_GWIN_KEYBOARD: if(key == ""KEY_INTRO") { guiShowPage(NEXT_PAGE); } break; } } How I can get and compare the key event? Thanks!!
  2. Hi! I have a STM32F746G-Discovery board and I need to run Ugfx & ChibiOS together. I tested the ugfx demo and works fine! But How I can integrate with Chibios? What version of Chibios works well with ugfx? Thanks! Regards.
  3. tupak

    uGFX - ChibiOS 3.0

    Great! I have a TFT DIsplay with ILI9340 Driver. Do you know if I can use the ILI9341 gdisp driver for ILI9340 ? Thanks! Regards!
  4. Hi! Can I use uGFX 2.3 with ChibiOS 3 ? Are they compatible? Thanks!
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