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Everything posted by ivan47

  1. Thanks GunterO. Really appreciate it. I see that second parameter in your write_index function is uint8_t type, in my it is uint16_t (i thought it should be that way), also the same with write_data. I used TM_ILI9341_SendCommand function for write_index, and TM_ILI9341_SendData for write_data. I didn't implement functions for acquireing and releasing the bus.
  2. Could you please do that, I can't get any work done concerning STM32 until tommorow. I'm planning on doing some kind of beginners guide to help people set up project with uGFX in Keil IDE. I'm hope this will "speed up" to someone new to this like me.
  3. Thanks guys, I'll try that when I get my PC
  4. Project without uGFX works. I can draw, write etc. Pin definitions are located in defines.h. #define ILI9341_SPI SPI3 //OR something similar #define ILI9341_SPI_PINS TM_SPI_PinsPack_1 /* Change custom CS, DC and RESET pins */ /* CS pin */ #define ILI9341_CS_CLK RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC #define ILI9341_CS_PORT GPIOC #define ILI9341_CS_PIN GPIO_Pin_2 /* WRX or DC pin */ #define ILI9341_WRX_CLK RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD #define ILI9341_WRX_PORT GPIOD #define ILI9341_WRX_PIN GPIO_Pin_13 /* RST pin */ #define ILI9341_RST_CLK RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD #define ILI9341_RST_PORT GPIOD #define ILI9341_RST_PIN GPIO_Pin_12 Now I'm trying to include right headers file, and import right .c files in my project tree, to implement uGFX. So I had to include tm_stm32f4_ili9341.h in my board_ILI9341.h file (because if init function and some others), I also had to include gfx.h file (because GDisplay *g is used... not sure about that). There was also this problem with inline keyword in tm_stm32f4_ili9341.h and gdisp.c, so I replaced it with __inline. So, now I get this linker errors: .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol GDISPVMT_OnlyOne (referred from gdisp.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gdisp_lld_init (referred from gdisp.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gdisp_lld_write_color (referred from gdisp.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gdisp_lld_write_start (referred from gdisp.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gdisp_lld_write_stop (referred from gdisp.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gdriverGetInstance (referred from gdisp.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gdriverGetNext (referred from gdisp.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gdriverInstanceCount (referred from gdisp.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gdriverRegister (referred from gdisp.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol _setjmp (referred from gos_raw32.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gfxMillisecondsToTicks (referred from gos_raw32.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol gfxSystemTicks (referred from gos_raw32.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol _gdriverDeinit (referred from gfx.o). .\Build Log\SPI_LCD.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol _gdriverInit (referred from gfx.o). The thing I want in the end is to be able to draw shapes, place text (and later use windows ets) using uGFX functions.
  5. There is also use of GDisplay *g variable in board_ILI9341.h file so I included gfx.h (that seems to solve the issue, but I'm not sure if I'm suppose to do that) (Sry for my bad english)
  6. I updated the version, but same problems appear. There is: invalid redeclaration of type name "int8_t", expected a ";", and lots of others. I would like if someone could spare some time and take a look at my Keil project. I could share my whole project over mail.
  7. I tried to implement uGFX libraries to Keil, using Std_Periph_Driver libraries, but I've got lots of errors. I've attached text file with some of the errors. Please help. uGFX_Keil_error.zip
  8. Hey GunterO. Well, I have some experience working with FreeRTOS (I've never worked with ChibiOS, but I see many people use it). However, I'm building example project to demonstrate working with some GUI libraries, and how to get them to work on different boards with different modules. I wanna use StdPeriph_Driver libraries and I don't want to implement RTOS in the whole story... for now. I'm using STM32F4 discovery board with the base board on it, and I've got ILI9341 module with SPI interface. I will probably get the LCD module for BB, but I want first to enable working with ILI9341. The thing is, I already have some basic drivers function, but I apparently lack the programming skills to implement uGFX in Keil. I would like to see Keil project you made for ChibiOS, maybe it will help.
  9. Thanks for your answer in such short notice. The thing is, I've already made driver functions (for sending data, commands, etc) for ILI9341. I already implemented functions for drawing. And now, my college project is to implement some libraries like uGFX, so I can do the same thing (and more). Anyway, thanks for your reply. I'll take a look at link you send and try to do it myself. Thanks
  10. Hello, I'm new here, so before I begin, please be gentle. Recently I've got ILI9341 and started to learn about LCDs. Now, the problem started when I tried to implement uGFX, because there wasn't any Keil project using uGFX. The question is, what should I do to make simple program (drawing circle, text, without some RTOS) using uGFX and compile it succesfully. If someone already done something like that in Keil, I would be grateful if he could send me his Keil project. I tried STemWin, but big part of the code was inaccessible. So i decided I should try uGFX. Please help
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