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Items counter in gwinList module


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I'm not sure if its best place to report bug but couldn't find another. 

In  gwinListAddItem function item counter is incremented but its never decremented, in my opinion it should be decremented in gwinListItemDelete

My proposition is to put gh2Obj->cnt--;   in gwinListItemDelete function;

Below are original functions bodys in 2.5 ugfx .

void gwinListItemDelete(GHandle gh, int item) {
	const gfxQueueASyncItem	*	qi;
	int							i;

	// is it a valid handle?
	if (gh->vmt != (gwinVMT *)&listVMT)

	// watch out for an invalid item
	if (item < 0 || item >= gh2obj->cnt)

	for(qi = gfxQueueASyncPeek(&gh2obj->list_head), i = 0; qi; qi = gfxQueueASyncNext(qi), i++) {
		if (i == item) {
			gfxQueueASyncRemove(&gh2obj->list_head, (gfxQueueASyncItem*)qi);
			gfxFree((void *)qi);
			if (gh2obj->top >= item && gh2obj->top)



int gwinListAddItem(GHandle gh, const char* item_name, bool_t useAlloc) {
	ListItem	*newItem;

	// is it a valid handle?
	if (gh->vmt != (gwinVMT *)&listVMT)
		return -1;

	if (useAlloc) {
		size_t len = strlen(item_name)+1;
		if (!(newItem = gfxAlloc(sizeof(ListItem) + len)))
			return -1;

		memcpy((char *)(newItem+1), item_name, len);
		item_name = (const char *)(newItem+1);
	} else {
		if (!(newItem = gfxAlloc(sizeof(ListItem))))
			return -1;

	// the item is not selected when added
	newItem->flags = 0;
	newItem->param = 0;
	newItem->text = item_name;
		newItem->pimg = 0;

	// select the item if it's the first in the list
	if (gh2obj->cnt == 0 && !(gh->flags & GLIST_FLG_MULTISELECT))
		newItem->flags |= GLIST_FLG_SELECTED;

	// add the new item to the list
	gfxQueueASyncPut(&gh2obj->list_head, &newItem->q_item);

	// increment the total amount of entries in the list widget


	// return the position in the list (-1 because we start with index 0)
	return gh2obj->cnt-1;


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