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  1. How to start virtual keyboard in numeric mode?
  2. nimaltd

    8bit interface

  3. nimaltd

    8bit interface

    I try all of them. but my color is wrong .
  4. nimaltd

    8bit interface

    FSMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef Timing; /** Perform the SRAM1 memory initialization sequence */ hsram1.Instance = FSMC_NORSRAM_DEVICE; hsram1.Extended = FSMC_NORSRAM_EXTENDED_DEVICE; /* hsram1.Init */ hsram1.Init.NSBank = FSMC_NORSRAM_BANK1; hsram1.Init.DataAddressMux = FSMC_DATA_ADDRESS_MUX_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.MemoryType = FSMC_MEMORY_TYPE_SRAM; hsram1.Init.MemoryDataWidth = FSMC_NORSRAM_MEM_BUS_WIDTH_16; <<<< not work in 8 bit.. I dont know why. hsram1.Init.BurstAccessMode = FSMC_BURST_ACCESS_MODE_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.WaitSignalPolarity = FSMC_WAIT_SIGNAL_POLARITY_LOW; hsram1.Init.WrapMode = FSMC_WRAP_MODE_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.WaitSignalActive = FSMC_WAIT_TIMING_BEFORE_WS; hsram1.Init.WriteOperation = FSMC_WRITE_OPERATION_ENABLE; hsram1.Init.WaitSignal = FSMC_WAIT_SIGNAL_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.ExtendedMode = FSMC_EXTENDED_MODE_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.AsynchronousWait = FSMC_ASYNCHRONOUS_WAIT_DISABLE; hsram1.Init.WriteBurst = FSMC_WRITE_BURST_DISABLE; /* Timing */ Timing.AddressSetupTime = 2; Timing.AddressHoldTime = 2; Timing.DataSetupTime = 5; Timing.BusTurnAroundDuration = 0; Timing.CLKDivision = 2; Timing.DataLatency = 2; Timing.AccessMode = FSMC_ACCESS_MODE_B; ///////////////////////////// LLDSPEC void gdisp_lld_write_color(GDisplay *g) { write_data(g, gdispColor2Native(g->p.color)>>8); write_data(g, gdispColor2Native(g->p.color)); } ///////////////////////////// static GFXINLINE void write_index(GDisplay *g, uint16_t index) { (void) g; GDISP_REG = index; } static GFXINLINE void write_data(GDisplay *g, uint16_t data) { (void) g; GDISP_RAM = data; }
  5. nimaltd

    8bit interface

    its true. I use lcd module. its work fine with example. i drive now. but have a problem. my color is wrong.my display size is wrong. this is my calibration window. i change initlize register. but no diftrent.
  6. nimaltd

    8bit interface

    and please tell me about FSMC initlizing on cubemx
  7. nimaltd

    8bit interface

    I use stm32f103VE in FSMC 8bit. my lcd is ili9481 in 8 bit interface. how can config my lcd ? i cant drive it . its not work. #define GDISP_REG ((volatile uint16_t *) 0x60000000)[0] /* RS = 0 */ #define GDISP_RAM ((volatile uint16_t *) 0x60FF0000)[0] /* RS = 1 */ static GFXINLINE void init_board(GDisplay *g) { (void) g; HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim2,TIM_CHANNEL_2); } static GFXINLINE void post_init_board(GDisplay *g) { (void) g; } static GFXINLINE void setpin_reset(GDisplay *g, bool_t state) { (void) g; HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LCD_RST_GPIO_Port,LCD_RST_Pin,(GPIO_PinState) !state); } static GFXINLINE void set_backlight(GDisplay *g, uint8_t percent) { (void) g; if(percent > 99) percent = 99; htim2.Instance->CCR2 = percent; } static GFXINLINE void acquire_bus(GDisplay *g) { (void) g; } static GFXINLINE void release_bus(GDisplay *g) { (void) g; } static GFXINLINE void write_index(GDisplay *g, uint16_t index) { (void) g; GDISP_REG = index&0x00ff; } static GFXINLINE void write_data(GDisplay *g, uint16_t data) { (void) g; GDISP_RAM = (data>>8); GDISP_RAM = data&0x00ff; } static GFXINLINE void setreadmode(GDisplay *g) { (void) g; } static GFXINLINE void setwritemode(GDisplay *g) { (void) g; } static GFXINLINE uint16_t read_data(GDisplay *g) { (void) g; uint16_t data; data = (GDISP_RAM<<8); data |= GDISP_RAM; return data; }
  8. Hello. How to use ILI9327 chip ?
  9. use this function for create keyboard and textbox static void createPagePage2(void) { GWidgetInit wi; gwinWidgetClearInit(&wi); // create container widget: ghContainerPage2 wi.g.show = FALSE; wi.g.x = 0; wi.g.y = 0; wi.g.width = 240; wi.g.height = 320; wi.g.parent = 0; wi.text = "Container"; wi.customDraw = 0; wi.customParam = 0; wi.customStyle = 0; ghContainerPage2 = gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, 0); // Create textedit widget: ghTextedit_FileName wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = 100; wi.g.y = 30; wi.g.width = 130; wi.g.height = 30; wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage2; wi.text = ""; wi.customDraw = gwinTexteditDefaultDraw; wi.customParam = 0; wi.customStyle = 0; ghTextedit_FileName = gwinTexteditCreate(0, &wi, 8); // Create label widget: ghLabel1 wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = 10; wi.g.y = 30; wi.g.width = 90; wi.g.height = 30; wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage2; wi.text = "File Name :"; wi.customDraw = gwinLabelDrawJustifiedLeft; wi.customParam = 0; wi.customStyle = 0; ghLabel1 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi); gwinLabelSetBorder(ghLabel1, FALSE); // Create keyboard widget: ghKeyboard1 wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = 0; wi.g.y = 110; wi.g.width = 250; wi.g.height = 180; wi.g.parent = ghContainerPage2; wi.text = "Keyboard1"; wi.customDraw = gwinKeyboardDraw_Normal; wi.customParam = 0; wi.customStyle = 0; ghKeyboard1 = gwinKeyboardCreate(0, &wi); } I have no problem in first time use. but when I want use again this keyboard , I must be empty text box and use again , I call gwinsettext(ghTextedit_FileName,"",TRUE) for emty text box. and I call this page , Now when I push any key on keyboard system Hang . call assert(.......
  10. I enter some character by keyboard and see all on text edit. How can i reset textedit for use keyboard again. I use gwinsettext(ghtext,"",true) for erase text box. But when i push keyboard my system hang.
  11. nimaltd

    update screen

    How can I update or refresh display after changing text or another value ?
  12. gwinCheckboxIsChecked(ghCheckbox_RunMode) I think this function cant return (TRUE==1) see my test function . return FALSE correctly but cant return TRUE correctly. when I use (else) work correctly
  13. this code works :: case GEVENT_GWIN_CHECKBOX: if(((GEventGWinCheckbox*)pe)->gwin == ghCheckbox_RunMode) { if( gwinCheckboxIsChecked(ghCheckbox_RunMode) == FALSE ) { RunMode = false; Stop(); gwinSetText(ghLabelPlayingItem," Stop!",true); } else { RunMode = true; gwinSetText(ghLabelPlayingItem,"" ,true); } } break; but this code do not work :: case GEVENT_GWIN_CHECKBOX: if(((GEventGWinCheckbox*)pe)->gwin == ghCheckbox_RunMode) { if( gwinCheckboxIsChecked(ghCheckbox_RunMode) == FALSE ) { RunMode = false; Stop(); gwinSetText(ghLabelPlayingItem," Stop!",true); } if( gwinCheckboxIsChecked(ghCheckbox_RunMode) == TRUE ) { RunMode = true; gwinSetText(ghLabelPlayingItem,"" ,true); } } break;
  14. I use stm32f4 . ssd1289 , ov7670 my picture is 160*120 in RGB565 mode. how can I draw my image in ram to display. I create imagebox but no display anythings gwinImageOpenMemory(ghImagebox_Camera,CameraBuffer); << this function. if I must enable pixmap , help me about it . I cant compile my project when enabled pixmap. I have 30 error. like this error ..\ugfx_library\src\gdisp/gdisp_pixmap.c(83): error: #20: identifier "GDISPVMT_pixmap" is undefined thanks a lot
  15. nimaltd

    Changing text

    How can i change text of a lable in another file exept gui.c I want to change a lable in my main file.
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