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Hello Community,

this is my first post so excuse me for any newbie mistakes.

I use Chibistudio to work with an Olimex eval board. I build sucsessfully any demo but when trying to add uGFX

following uGFXs howto, i take the following errors on demos makefile;

../../../ugfx: Permission denied

../../../ugfx: Permission denied

in makefile lines;

include $(GFXLIB)/gfx.mk

include $(GFXLIB)/boards/base/Olimex-STM32-LCD/board.mk # your board

and another error;

Description Resource Path Location Type

make: *** No rule to make target `/boards/base/Olimex-STM32-LCD/board.mk'. Stop. C/C++ Problem

Did any of you face a similar problem?

Does anyone have any idea how can these be solved?

Thanks in advance,


It looks like your GFXLIB define in your makefile (describing the location of the ugfx directory) is not correct.

I suspect that is why you get the permission denied errors - it just cannot find that directory

Similarly the "no rule to make" seems to indicate the same thing.

Hope this helps.



Andrew thank you for your reply.

I suspected that too but after changing GFXLIB to static (GFXLIB = C:\ChibiStudio\ugfx) I take same error to the next level of using this definition:

from make file:

# Imported source files and paths

CHIBIOS = ../../chibios

GFXLIB = C:\ChibiStudio\ugfx

include $(CHIBIOS)/boards/HANC3_EVAL/board.mk

include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/platforms/STM32F1xx/platform.mk

include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/hal.mk

include $(CHIBIOS)/os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/STM32F1xx/port.mk

include $(CHIBIOS)/os/kernel/kernel.mk

include C:\ChibiStudio\ugfx\gfx.mk (moved to hardcode solution also)

(Errors: 14 Items)

make: /src/gos/sys_make.mk: No such file or directory Olimex-STM32-LCD line 4, external location: C:\ChibiStudio\ugfx\gfx.mk C/C++ Problem

C:/ChibiStudio/ugfx: Permission denied Olimex-STM32-LCD line 5, external location: C:\ChibiStudio\ugfx\gfx.mk C/C++ Problem

make: /src/gdriver/sys_make.mk: No such file or directory Olimex-STM32-LCD line 5, external location: C:\ChibiStudio\ugfx\gfx.mk C/C++ Problem

C:/ChibiStudio/ugfx: Permission denied Olimex-STM32-LCD line 6, external location: C:\ChibiStudio\ugfx\gfx.mk C/C++ Problem





make: *** No rule to make target `/src/gfile/sys_make.mk'. Stop. Olimex-STM32-LCD C/C++ Problem

As a result seems to need hard-coding every path uses GFXLIB. Is there any clue how to fix this?

I also try to build this makefile using cmd.exe make -j4 without any luck.

I'm using Windows-7 Pro and ChibiStudio without changing anything from the zip I extracted it.


I suspect you are running into a problem with make under windows. Depending on the version of make you are using it struggles to handle Dos style paths like c:\...

The way around this is to try using one of our example makefiles rather than a chibios based makefile. These makefiles can be found in /boards/base/xxx/example.

We have spent considerable effort trying to get the makefiles working properly under win32. The chibios supplied makefiles don't work properly under win32 using absolute paths.

Please also read our wiki article on your first project in win32.

One other bit... Make sure you are using the latest master as we found bugs in our makefiles as late as last week to do with absolute paths under win32


I've used a makefile based on the Chibi-supplied one successfully, with all relative paths. (IIRC, I have had problems with absolute paths, though).

Relevant section:

CHIBIOS = ../../chibios
VARIOUS = $(CHIBIOS)/os/various
GFXLIB = ../../ugfx
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/hal.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/ports/STM32/STM32F4xx/platform.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/osal/rt/osal.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/rt/rt.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/rt/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/port_stm32f4xx.mk
include $(GFXLIB)/gfx.mk
include $(GFXLIB)/boards/base/DDS1414/board.mk # your board

(My board file is in a uGfx directory, but don't think I had any problem when it was in a Chibi directory)

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