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The uGFX studio's v.0.24.1 font converter has an option (check box) Anti-Alias when it is used from studio.

Why this options doesn't exists in the mcufont.exe (..\foo\ugfx\tools\mcufontencoder\binaries\windows\), attached is a screenshot. Or if it does exists, how to use it?

BTW about adding a new font in studio:

1. It will be nice to have an option for multi-range in case of "Custom Range" is selected for filter. For example a "+" button can add another range selector line.

2. "Unnamed" is a very annoying. I know that using F2 I can rename it, but have a look at the generated font files. If I keep it not renamed, the file name  is "unnamed_arial_regular12_aa" for example and it is similar for constants and defines inside. Or if I rename it for example to "arial_regular12_aa", then the file name is "arial_regular12_aa_arial_regular12_aa", and same for constants and defines.


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