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  1. It will probably take some time but I surely will inform you.
  2. Works perfectly, thank you!
  3. Excellent! Thank you very much, works flawlessly. FYI: I have made a git repo for really no-hassle quick start for beginners: https://github.com/mprymek/ChibiOS-uGFX
  4. Thank you really much for that clarification! Today, I've managed to at least get ST firmware library work with ChibiOS, so I have something to play with and I can wait for ugfx driver patiently Tank you very much again.
  5. My primary problem is that I don't understand the links between the uGFX and ChibiOS - should ugfx use any chibios drivers for this board or does ugfx have it's own drivers and ChibiOS should only run the self-containing ugfx code - so in fact ugfx uses only chibios's make system, no header files, no object files? The before-mentioned ugfx demo for FreeRTOS also uses some ST library (STM32F429I-Discovery_FW_V1.0.1/Libraries/STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver and STM32F429I-Discovery_FW_V1.0.1/Utilities/STM32F429I-Discovery) which brings even more confusion for me I don't grasp what I should set in the Makefile - there are at least four options: 1. include $(CHIBIOS)/boards/ST_STM32F429I_DISCOVERY/board.mk 2. include $(GFXLIB)/boards/base/Mikromedia-STM32-M4-ILI9341/ChibiOS_Board/board.mk 3. include $(GFXLIB)/drivers/gdisp/ILI9341/driver.mk 4. GFXBOARD = Mikromedia-STM32-M4-ILI9341 ...and also ST libraries and ChibiOS's USE_FWLIB option... I've tried all of them and several combinations of them without luck... Hence I would really need complete working example to have something to start with... The code in https://github.com/mprymek/bubbles-stm32f429 compiles with http://pastebin.com/HP16WZnR The missing header file is found in boards/base/Mikromedia-STM32-M4-ILI9341/board_ILI9341.h but when I try to add it with include $(GFXLIB)/boards/base/Mikromedia-STM32-M4-ILI9341/ChibiOS_Board/board.mk I get http://pastebin.com/2KmXTV1e -- from this I suppose this board file is for other hardware and is not usable for . There was some discussion about STM32F429 board file (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=51) but I don't see any usable output of it... So do I understand it well that to use ugfx with STM32F429 and ChibiOS, I would have to write a new board file? (It would be probably too hard for me as I am not experienced with either ChibiOS or ugfx...) My other tries (maybe totally worng way) with compiler outputs can be seen at https://github.com/mprymek/bubbles-stm3 ... ommits/tmp
  6. This is my try so far: https://github.com/mprymek/bubbles-stm32f429 Whatever I tried, I can't get it to compile - can you please be so kind, look at it and tell me what's wrong and what way to go further? I'm totally lost Thank you very much.
  7. Hello, I'm new to the world of 32bit mcus and trying to get familiar with RTOSes. I like ChibiOS very much but can't get STM32F429I-discovery work with ugfx and ChibiOS. Please do any of you have a complete working example of anything little bit more complex like e.g. ugfx notepad, with proper ChibiOS makefiles etc.? I have managed to compile https://github.com/winfred-lu/stm32f429-freertos800 but I would prefer to experiment with ChibiOS rather than FreeRTOS and unfortunatelly did not find any complete, working ChibiOS example code. I was also trying to adapt code of "bubbles" example from http://ugfx.org/demos but unfortunatelly without any luck. I tried to look at the code, changed some constants etc. but only got compile errors which are cryptic to me... I have asked this question on ChibiOS forum already ( http://forum.chibios.org/phpbb/viewtopi ... 79&p=18205 ) and was told to ask here I would be very grateful for any complete source code for STM32F429I-discovery I could start with. Thank you very much for any suggestions, hints, etc. P.S. I prefer to work with just vim & make. Examples for commercial IDEs which can't be compliled with simple make are troublesome for me...
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